Hey devs, can anything be done to make critical accuracy actually beneficial for kensei? Confirming critical hits is nearly a non-existant issue with the to-hit that fighters already achieve. Spending 6 action points on 3 tiers of an enhancement that literally provides no benefit other than just satisfying a pre-requisite is a little painstaking to do for the longest time now.
My suggestion:
a) Reduce the ap cost to 1 ap per tier if you absolutely feel that we need it.
b) Turn the bonus into a +1 seeker type effect per tier, so we have the confirm and the dmg aspect of it (stacking with item based seeker items of course) in addition to incentive to grab the 4th tier as well- which, as of right now, nobody does.
c) Rework critical hit confirmation in the game, make them slightly harder to do, so it bears usefulness to have an even higher confirm for fighters versus other classes and even provides usefulness for the feat: Power critical.
As someone who has been a loyal fighter for the past 5 years, seeing AP's wasted is really terrible. I definitely think this particular enhancement is just an action point sink on an already incredibly AP tight class.