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  1. #1
    Community Member Dwarfo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default WTS Silver/Good Red Crystal

    WTS Red Augment Crystal of Devils ruin - - - taking plat/scrolls/larges/reds. pm/post with offer.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    2 reds for it.
    ~~~ R E V E N A N T S ~~~
    Ayspam Life #27/27(Completionist Sorc), Aycare Life #10/10(Evoker FvS), Ayplink Life #22/22(Completionist to be decided), Aygo Life #14/14(Helvesbarian)

  3. #3
    Community Member flash145's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Confused

    I'm curious as to why you believe this item is so unique to make it that expensive.

    I only ask because just recently I was able to purchase 2 off the AH for 100k each.

    Yes, I know some are listed w/ 2mil BO. But, those dont sell.

    Not trying to troll just trying to gain knowledge. I hope you sell and get a good price though. GL
    3 Parts Potassium Nitrate, 1/2 part Charcoal and 1/2 part Sulfur add external heat source and PHOOSH!!!!!
    Aegean-Clr, Balar-Ftr,Cyclonik-Wiz, Davir-Rog, Soroden-Sorc, Towong-Mnk, Waring-Rng

  4. #4
    Community Member Dwarfo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    offer taken ayspam, ill send it to u when i log on later tonight...and other dude forgot the name...

    ive seen these go for a red or two on trade channels, couple k plat blah blah. and i just got two reds which is pretty cool, but im sure its just cause ays got ALOT of extra reds lol

  5. #5
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by flash145 View Post
    I'm curious as to why you believe this item is so unique to make it that expensive.

    He didn't set a price. He set what types of offers he was taking.

    I only ask because just recently I was able to purchase 2 off the AH for 100k each.

    That is how the free market works. Gratz on your AH skills!

    Yes, I know some are listed w/ 2mil BO. But, those dont sell.

    Most people deal in scales (red or large devil)

    Not trying to troll just trying to gain knowledge. I hope you sell and get a good price though. GL

    He got and accepted an offer of 2 reds. Looks like he did pretty well.
    I helped you in red.

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