From a "bait & switch" point of view, wouldn't it be more efficient to fool the premiums?
Premiums spend their money in bursts. Once they're done, who cares if they leave? From a True Neutral standpoint, the company doesn't feel anything when they go; however, VIP's spend their money over time, and those MOT's need to be maintained, right?
If Turbine takes the "Uncaring Master" feat, they should be stacking VIP with benefits and then doing as the Joker would with his sociological experiments -- have a field day with the premiums.
I'm VIP, I'm biased towards VIP, and I'm a bit on the Chaotic side of things and enjoy watching those who think they're smart get mauled to tiny bits in a lawn mulcher.
Anyone remember that dude in the first Saw movie who had to decode the combination to the safe while naked, covered in napalm, injected with a slow poison, and only an open-flame candle for light? Yeah. Good times.
Go team VIP!