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  1. #1
    Founder Jmoon's Avatar
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    Default Disruption and Greater Disruption

    In thinking about it, I was wondering if these two would stack like flaming and flaming burst, or burst and blast etc etc...

    Using the Disruption Rune Arm, and a Green Steel Greater Disruption weapon .... would that mean, 4d6 + 6d6 + 200 (on vorpals)? that would completely dominate undead... I'm very excited about this possibility

    I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask since they are separate effects!

  2. #2
    Community Member merentha's Avatar
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    I would not be surprised if the higher effect (Greater Disruption) is the only one applied. But if it did stack then I would hold hope that between that choice of implementation and the new Alchemical weaponry that the Mabar Wraps will be left as is.

    I guess one similar thing I could test is to try my Enlightened Vestments with Banishing handwraps and see if I double dip on vorpals. Even then that's apples and oranges (anything with handwraps is an orange and we all know apples work better).

  3. #3
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
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    I strongly suspect they will stack! Merentha's logic about banishing makes sense, and I know for certain that Vestments do stack with Banishing Wraps for 200 damage on a natural 20.

    Hand of the Tombs, like Vestments, doesn't (from the description) provide 4d6 on hit; just the 100 damage or insta-kill on vorpal effect.

    That said, even if the 2d4 fire damage bonus will be completely resisted by the Abbott, Sorjek and epic Undead - making the 2d6 light damage from Tira's Splendor (for 7 on hit average instead of just above 5 from the 100 on a 20) better at endgame...

    at level 12 paired with a GS Tier III good repeater, it will make a serious mess of poor Raiyum's chamber.
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
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    Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.

  4. #4


    I suspect that the effects stack.
    However, I don't recall greater disruption being affected in the "disruption/banishment/vorpal" change. I very well could be wrong as I never bothered getting that effect.

  5. #5
    Community Member merentha's Avatar
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    For Update 9 it was changed/enhanced so that Greater Disruption does 6d6 damage and 100 extra on a 'vorpal' attack. I've thoroughly confirmed it yesterday during my favor run in Necropolis

  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    I don't see why they wouldn't stack. But stacking wouldn't have any benefits since one is "kill on 20" and the other is "deal tons of dmg, and kill on a 20"

    Tho its possible the runearm thing has a higher HP limit on the kill, tho i doubt it.. Since its more of a mid lvl item (its from wizking)

    Tho I don't think you've read the description clearly either.. As "disrupting weapons" on the hand of the tombs doesnt say anything about dealing damage.

    Anyways wiki's usually accurate, check the descripts yourself:

    Tho since its from wizking.. Maybe there will be a "epic hand of the tombs" with "epic disruption" .. That would be fun. And since it would be a wizking epic, not too hard to get like desert-rare epics, as it could all be self contained in wizking. I've my doubts about that, but its possible.

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