As PM said. Post me your price here or contact me in game on Faxio/Thytan.
As PM said. Post me your price here or contact me in game on Faxio/Thytan.
I have one. Make me an offer in frds or LDS or combo of both. Pm me or find me in game under one of my Alts in sig.
Joanus20 TR'd FS, Plural18 Barb/2 Fighter TWF FB,Jennicide20 TR'd PM Wiz,Bisp18Bard/2 Fighter TWF WC,Flock20 TR'd TWF Kensai F,Execrable20 TR'd Ranger AA,Juules20 TR'd TH HO Kensai F,Coyn20 TR'd HO Acrobat
Aundair refugee held in a Khyber wasteland
Curious as to the price that was paid here.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I bought the scroll for 10 major sp pots.