I will be hosting a melee only pvp tournament on Friday 16th September 9pm (American east coast time)...(Sat 17th 11am for us Aussies) My intention is to host a tournament once a month and this will be a trial run. There is no entry fee and no prizes...this is for glory only! The aim here is to find out who can deal and take the most amount of melee damage.
Depending on demand it will involve a 16 person 1v1 knockout tournament. Best of 3 rounds per fight and the final will be best of 5. Location will be announced on the day...so we can find somewhere not so busy.
1. Any class/level can apply to enter
2. No offensive magic/clickies...Not much fun if your fascinated or dancing
3. No ship buffs...takes too long to if someones not buffed
4. All other self buffs allowed...clickies/pots/cookies etc
5. No time wasting...if you run around too much you will be disqualified...this is about standing toe to toe and beating on each other...although some movement is allowed
6. Sorry rangers...no ranged/manyshot
7. No restrictions on weapons/equipment at this stage (guards etc)
8. If someone DCs the bout will be refought
9. Melee tactics allowed at this stage...trip/stunning blow/fist etc
I understand that there will be an element of luck involved (i.e. if your guards proc or not) but this will add a nice degree of uncertainty and the 3 round format mitigates this somewhat.
As this is the first time I've done this I am sure I haven't thought of everything so these rules may be amended before kick off. If you have any constructive ideas please post them here.
If you are interested please send Archan an in game email or post here. I will be selectively choosing people if too many requests come in. I want this to be for the best of the best...expect multi TRs with pimped out toons packing more epic items than you've had hot dinners
I don't want this to be a 4 hour snorathon so be ready...make sure you can hear voice chat...when it starts make sure you don't have any outside buffs...when I invite you into my party you are expected to have ZERO buffs on you, you will then self buff and enter the pvp zone...wait for me to say begin then start swinging...when one dies...immediately release and rebuff...and wait for me to signal the next bout. When your fight is over drop group and leave the pvp zone immediately. Make sure you have approx 1 hour to spare...you will have 5 minutes maximum after I have sent you a tell to get into the next fight. You will be DQ if you fail to show.
I will be refereeing this with absolute discretion. Trash talking is encouraged before and during the bouts.....but any post fight complaints are definately not
Spread the word to your guildies for those that don't follow the forums. Peace.
Contestant List;
1. Archan