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  1. #21
    Community Member zorander6's Avatar
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    So I posted on the blood stone but another one I remember is the high level cleric who gave me a bunch of gear when I bought a helm from him. Sadly I've not seen him online in a long time. Most of the time when I run with PUGs they go exceptionally well, and even the bad ones just make me laugh or just shake my head in wonder. For all the complaining the community here is great.
    Cannith - Falconsbane(8 - 3rd life), NeedOil (14), NeedMead, Needfood, hobbitarcher(5)
    Sarlona - Zebidiahh (19.8), Anotherpers(20), Smurgh(16), Falconsbane(14), Needoil(15)
    The first rule of the trashcan guild is expect to die...
    There is no second rule.

  2. #22
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Hey gave this contest props on my latest cast figured if worst comes to worst ya get a little more traffic.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  3. #23
    Community Member Unreliable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Hey gave this contest props on my latest cast figured if worst comes to worst ya get a little more traffic.
    Hey thanks!

    I appreciate that

    I will listen to it as well when I get back tonight.

  4. #24
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    Ahh the memory lane. Well I think my favorite time would have to be after I rerolled near 8 toons from level 1-4.... All of them were ranger based, I was trying different stats/races/feats out. I later found the forums and got everything straightened out... I then got my build right and got to level 4 in a few days, which for my group of IRL friends who played was a bit of a bragging rights thing, we never got to play with each other often and soon even my brother fell out of DDO, just me and my little sister. And it's not like we can both go on the same computer.

    Playing with real life friends had to be the best experience. That and getting to where I am as a f2p
    Exiile --- Exalt --- Exception

  5. #25
    Community Member Aveidha's Avatar
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    My favourite moment from DDO would be arriving just in time to save the day with a aoe heal as my cleric.I usually do a fairly good job at healing so people get used to it and decide to run ahead.Then it's all my fault when they die .But it's sooooo worth it when I manage to save everyone ^_^

  6. #26
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    My "favorite" DDO experience is more an aggregate of hilariously ambiguous luck.

    My main character, whose name is unsurprisingly common with my forum handle, is a Warforged Stalwart Defender/Rogue, styled partially after the Big Rock Candy the Mountain evasion tank build. It's been a slow-but-steady climb getting him geared for various raids and epics, and barring a missing ToD ring here and a complete Epic set there, his equipment loadout has more or less stabilized into something moderately functional.

    Then the Fun starts.

    During one Hound run, Zeruell pulls a Ring of Thelis. Great, one of the blue-bars'll want this, right? Right? Anyone...?
    I guess it'll be nice for a TR that may or may not happen someday...

    Days later, a ToD run completes. The loot gods cast the dice, and Zeruell receives Sanura's Band. Well, Pale Master builds are popular; there's bound to be one in the group, right? Right? Anyone...?
    I guess it'll be nice for a TR that may or may not happen someday...

    The next day, Zeruell decides to try a Dreaming Dark elite solo run, just for kicks. He picks the three locked doors, raids the Mindsunder chamber...and is startled when the little pink rusty pops out of the chest.
    A couple chucks of a returning throwing axe later and Zeruell is staring at an Eardweller. Guildies and friends can't drop what they're doing and make it into the instance in time, so...
    Intelligence swap-in get!

    DDO is trying to tell me something. One of these days I'll figure out what.
    Maybe that Eardweller can help...

  7. #27
    Community Member Teen's Avatar
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    My favorite moment was last night when I got a circle of hatred litany and ember's in 1 run .
    D E S T R U C T I O N


  8. #28
    Community Member
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    Smile Best time, hmm...

    One of the Best/most amusing/fun times I have had in DDO so far would probably be an at-level (hard) proof is in the poison. I had been playing for maybe a month or so, and really had no clue about the game yet, had no gear worth mentioning, no money or anything, totally untwinked. ANYWAY had one RL friend running a battle-cleric, level 5 I think, and i was running a level 4-5 drow wizard. Yeah, a drow wizard, was pretty squishy. We had no idea what we were doing, but figured "how hard could it be?" Grabbed a coupla pally's, a rogue, and we were off. A half-hour later everyone in the party had died several times, mostly to melfs, the shrine had been used multiple times by myself and the cleric, and everything was in general a mess. Despite all this, me and my friend were still enjoying ourselves, though the pally's and the rog dropped, and we picked up another player or two. fast-forward an hour and a bit we finally made it to the endboss. Without even conferring with each other, me and the cleric each let loose with our favorite type of festival cookie, I think the Drider got hit with a Disintegrate and a Meteor Swarm, going down instantly. That was my first proof, and I have never wanted to run it again. Ofcourse we got like 3k xp for 2.5 hours of effort, and vendor-trash worth like 50 plat. Despite it all we had fun, and it is CERTAINLY not something I am likely to forget for some time to come.

    (Azilumphilus of Sarlona)

    "Sometimes you're the windshield; sometimes you're the bug." - Mark Knopfler.

  9. #29
    Community Member bhgiant's Avatar
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    - The mario skill section in Rainbow in the Dark.

    - Running the Vale, someone putting up a Superior Shard up for roll, someone rolling a 98 and me thinking, "Might as well not even try." I changed my mind last second and... you guessed it... rolled a 99.

    - Running my first sorc on Baudry's Pack. Going incapacitated at the final battle and stabilizing! But wait, 2 throwers, 2 fighters and an ooze left to kill. Made my plan of attack, kill another thrower, DOWN with 0 health. Coming back AGAIN! Take out the thrower and kite the two fighters while I run like mad away from the ooze (only had ice and fire damage). Jump into the water and finish out with 1 health.

    - FINALLY finding a worthwhile guild.

    - Finding this link in the forums

    It was my first time leading the shroud. We have WAY too many casters but I figure, "No big deal, we've got 2 healers and it's on normal anyway." We get through 1-3 no problem. Part 4 a couple of us die but we get rezzed quick enough for loot. Feeling pretty good when the kobolt spawns in Part 5, we box him in, buff up. Everything is good. Harry pops in and it's business as usual. Melee in the center, Mass Heals, the works, smooth as oil. Harry's down to 15% and then... *ding*, one of our healers goes down. 2 second later, all of our melees are dead. The other healer (who was using the pool to up his SP) tries to come to come in with a Mass Heal... too late. He grabs aggro while trying to rez and gets pummled in about 5 seconds. Down to 5 guys, 4 Wiz and 1 Ranger. Ranger doesn't last long *ding*. I start talking over what went wrong with the cleric. There was a really bad luck streak of blades that wiped him out as he was trying to get a heal off to himself. *ding* 3 Wizards left. One of the wizards tries to res the cleric *ding*. Another wizard gets hit with blades and Harry at the same time *ding*. One wizard left named Betatester. I start saying, "Good job guys, we just had some bad luck everyone..." when Betatester says in classic movie-style fashion says, "This isn't over yet..." He then performs the most amazing feats I have ever seen, solo's Harry with next to 0 SP. Harry's at 5% and this guy is jumping and kiting like a pro. We sit and stare in amazement as Harry unleashes with all he has and our faithful Wizard jumps and fires away out of harm. "Dude, Betatester, if you pull this off, you get a free pick out of my loot stash, anything you want." The chat was silent, it was like watching a no-hitter unfold before your eyes. 2% left, 1%, left, just a sliver left! Everyone's on the edge of their seat and then, with a shriek, Harry was down. The chat explodes with amazement! Will never forget that one

    Anyway more than one but I thought I would share for kicks and giggles .
    Last edited by bhgiant; 09-17-2011 at 06:29 PM. Reason: added a couple
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We are not working with the aliens to send messages that are picked up by your microwaved meatloaf dinner. At least I don't think so...
    Proud member of Tyrs Paladium

  10. #30
    Community Member LoveNeverFails's Avatar
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    My second favorite (because I just posted on the youtube vid ) would have to be the first time I capped a toon. Let me explain: I've been playing on and off since this game was just out of beta. I remember when VoN was end game, there was no such thing as favor, and when Multi-classing was just coming out. And I JUST capped my first toon this summer. (Yea, that means that I never capped even when the cap was only ten).

    I didn't ever realize that there was such a sense of accomplishment when that little bar says that you can't earn anymore XP. I felt like I beat the game. Then I realized that I wanted to TR her. lol.

    BTW this was a really good idea, and very generous of you.

  11. #31
    Community Member Luthe111's Avatar
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    my favorite moment ever in ddo was possibly my favorite glitch of all time. i fell in spike pit(who doesnt at one point?) and died. the parties trapmonkey jumped in and grabbed my stone. then half way up the ladder out of the pit, i suddenly came back to life, fell back in, and once again died XD. we all still look back on that as a golden moment in the funniest moments in our questing history and talk bout the legendary victory i got in end chest must have said: the one toon who gets glitch raised does it inside a trap
    Last edited by Luthe111; 09-17-2011 at 06:00 PM.

  12. #32
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    My favorite memories in DDO have been two that stand out although there have been various fun times with my Guildies in Caffiene. The first was in the first weeks of the game 5+ years ago. I was walking around waterworks with some other people and we opened a door and the rust monster boss spawned. We all ran like it was the devil itself as the pnp rust monster was something we were not prepared to fight with our coveted +1 swords that we found earlier. It was the oh s*** reaction that was funny.

    The other favorite moment is the von6 quest. I love the visual effects of the quest. Seeing the world on the planet below was just way cool. Not to mention seeing the red dragon. Nothing beats fighting a dragon in dnd. I think that the white dragon fight is better now, but velah was the first and holds a special place in my game experience.
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  13. #33
    Community Member Guenalicious's Avatar
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    I have so many, most not forum appropriate, but one that sticks out in my mind is one of the first times I played with Symp. I was new to the game, couldn't build a toon, or stay alive. I was so bad I had a hard time jumping onto a box. So we are in Ataraxia's Haven he is kicking butt and taking names. My friend and I are doing everything we can just to keep up with him running to the next area. All of a sudden he starts yelling, "run away, run away" and there was this huge rust monster chasing him. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard ;-) Good Times!!

  14. #34
    Community Member ArronBW's Avatar
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    Default My Favorite Moment Of ddo

    My favorite ddo moment would have to be when... i took out one of the depths quest on elite at lvl 4 by my self as a noob...the other 5 people had died and i completed the whole quest including the op and that was the beginign of the start of my less noobie stage!

  15. #35
    Hero Tajuh's Avatar
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    My favorite experience playing DDO was an at-level solo of Proof is in the Poison. It was tight, but I pulled it off and it was extremely fun.
    Last edited by Tajuh; 09-22-2011 at 01:03 AM.

  16. #36
    Community Member bbqzor's Avatar
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    This is a tough question, as there are many ways to look at it. I certainly have some fond memories of a lot of things, but that doesn't mean they were necessarily a good experience. Back in the day, when the train stopped at level 10 and Velah was still a mystery, I remember needing to pass a single cure light wounds wand around amongst friends because thats all we could afford. It has nostalgic value now, but from a purely game play point of view it wasn't very fun heh.

    I guess one experience that stands out is in Tower of Despair, back when it was still pretty new. I was on a Paladin, who was setup to be a mostly self sufficient tank. It was part 3, and I was tanking Suulomades. The Horoth tank died, I never found out why, maybe a stun or disintegrate. But Horoth ran amok and started killing everyone. I popped Intimidate on Suulomades (he was still in my face) and the Orthons nearby (as Horoth killed our field guys), and just took it all away from the raid. Another guy stepped up and stopped Horoths spree, the healers got him on target, and they started picking up the pieces. I just self healed through everything off on my own and cycled target to keep hitting it all in rotation. It was too shakey a raid to get back on Sully, and several people were still new to it, so they just left me there and beat Horoth down to get the completion.

    It was fun to be on the right guy in the right place at the right time to make a difference and do something exceptional. Not exceptional like particularly difficult, or even hard to duplicate. But just to be able to rise above what people expected and make a difference so everyone could be successful, as an exception to the norm. One thing DDO has which few other MMOs do, is the ability for one person to stand out during an event and really alter the course of things. It was enjoyable to be that guy, and have everyone walk away smiling instead of sullen. Thats what made it a favorite experience, better than just getting a loot or having some good luck, it really made the game enjoyable for the game play.

  17. #37
    Community Member PLUGintoTHEpowerLINE's Avatar
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    Another favorite memory from DDO.

    When I rolled my first cleric, Ivywine, starting over on Thelanis server, and finding that I just -- clicked -- with the character and with the class, and just had fun as a healer and learning how to play; after playing a minstrel (healer) in LotRO for such a long time. I especially remember the excitement of healing through my first shroud run!
    Quomodo cecidisti de cælo, Lucifer, qui mane oriebaris. corruisti in terram, qui vulnerabas gentes.
    Qui dicebas in corde tuo: In cælum conscendam, super astra Dei exaltabo solium meum.

  18. #38
    Community Member Unreliable's Avatar
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    The Competition is now Closed! You can still feel free to add your comments and favorite experiences, but the drawings will be partaking soon. A video with the results will be posted later today!

    I will also be livestreaming the results, as well as an additional oppurtinity to win 1,000,000 more platinum!!

    Check the URL soon! Post in the comments, and I will give more info on how to win!

  19. #39
    Community Member Unreliable's Avatar
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    Congradulations to ZachHopefull, Elixxer, and Jackit for each winning 1,000,000 platinum. It was lots of fun, about 30 people in the livestream, was very fun and chaotic! Thanks, and ill be posting the video on youtube as soon as I can!

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