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  1. #1
    Community Member Unreliable's Avatar
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    Default DDOZonixx Win-A-Million (Platinum) 100 Subscriber Contest!

    Hello everyone, as I stated a few times in the past and in some of my recent videos, I will be holding a giveaway when I hit 100 subscribers!

    Well, I recently did reach 100 subscribers and got the OK from Cordovan to hold this little contest! The prize is 1,000,000 Platinum on the Sarlona Server, and the competition is quite simple:

    All you need to do is go to my YouTube Video (that has some more details on the contest, URL is here: ) and post in the comments section:

    What has been your favorite experience playing DDO?

    Thats it, thats all you need to do! The contest will end 3 weeks from now on Septermber 29, 2011. Additionally, there needs to be at least 20 entries in order for a winner to be chosen. If there are not 20 entries by the end date, then the contest will be extended.

    Please make sure to watch the video (link above and below). It has some little details on the contest as well, and make sure to post your favotire DDO experience in the comments section in that video (also include your character name or your forum name so I can contact you if you win!).

    The winner will be CHOSEN AT RANDOM using a random number generator. Posting your comment twice or using seperate accounts will not let you win twice as YouTube gives you some tools to sort out all that stuff, so the contest will be quite fair.

    You also have a DOUBLE CHANCE to win! If you post another favorite DDO Experience in this thread (this one right here, you can just reply as soon as you are done reading this!) I will be giving away another 1,000,000 platinum to a random entry!

    Please do watch the video on some more details, and dont forget that only people on the SARLONA server are eligible to win (but you can always enter and make a new character and start off with 1,000,000 platinum if you win!)

    Thanks again everyone for reading this, and thanks for the continued support of my YouTube channel! I really do appreciate all the support, and please do not feel like you need to do anything to enter this contest besides leave a comment. If you enjoy my videos and watch them then you are more then welcome to enter! You do not need to subscribe/like/favorite or any of that stuff, but are more then welcome too if you enjoy my videos!

    One little reminder: Please make sure to leave an appropriate comment! Short comments or comments that do not pertain to the topic of What your Favorite DDO Experience has been are still allowed and appreciated, but they will not be entered into the contest!

    Thanks again, and Good Luck to everyone! And dont forget, there will be 2 seperate winners (one winner from the YouTube comments page, and one winner from the comments that have replied to this thread!). Each winner will recieve 1,000,000 platinum on the Sarlona Server! Thanks again for supporting DDOZonixx!

    DDOZonixx Win-A-Million 100 Subscriber Contest Video:

    DDOZonixx YouTube Channel Home Page:
    Last edited by Unreliable; 09-08-2011 at 05:11 PM. Reason: Fixing Typos :P

  2. #2
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unreliable View Post
    Hello everyone, as I stated a few times in the past and in some of my recent videos, I will be holding a giveaway when I hit 100 subscribers!

    Well, I recently did reach 100 subscribers and got the OK from Cordovan to hold this little contest! The prize is 1,000,000 Platinum on the Sarlona Server, and the competition is quite simple:

    All you need to do is go to my YouTube Video (that has some more details on the contest, URL is here: ) and post in the comments section:

    What has been your favorite experience playing DDO?

    Thats it, thats all you need to do! The contest will end 3 weeks from now on Septermber 29, 2011. Additionally, there needs to be at least 20 entries in order for a winner to be chosen. If there are not 20 entries by the end date, then the contest will be extended.

    Please make sure to watch the video (link above and below). It has some little details on the contest as well, and make sure to post your favotire DDO experience in the comments section in that video (also include your character name or your forum name so I can contact you if you win!).

    The winner will be CHOSEN AT RANDOM using a random number generator. Posting your comment twice or using seperate accounts will not let you win twice as YouTube gives you some tools to sort out all that stuff, so the contest will be quite fair.

    You also have a DOUBLE CHANCE to win! If you post another favorite DDO Experience in this thread (this one right here, you can just reply as soon as you are done reading this!) I will be giving away another 1,000,000 platinum to a random entry!

    Please do watch the video on some more details, and dont forget that only people on the SARLONA server are eligible to win (but you can always enter and make a new character and start off with 1,000,000 platinum if you win!)

    Thanks again everyone for reading this, and thanks for the continued support of my YouTube channel! I really do appreciate all the support, and please do not feel like you need to do anything to enter this contest besides leave a comment. If you enjoy my videos and watch them then you are more then welcome to enter!You do not need to subscribe/like/favorite or any of that stuff, but are more then welcome too if you enjoy my videos!

    One little reminder: Please make sure to leave an appropriate comment! Short comments are comments that do not pertain to the topic of What your Favorite DDO Experience has been are still allowed and appreciated, but they will not be entered into the contest!

    Thanks again, and Good Luck to everyone! And dont forget, there will be 2 seperate winners (one winner from the YouTube comments page, and one winner from the comments that have replied to this thread!). Each winner will recieve 1,000,000 platinum on the Sarlona Server! Thanks again for supporting DDOZonixx!

    DDOZonixx Win-A-Million 100 Subscriber Contest Video:

    DDOZonixx YouTube Channel Home Page:
    WHAT you have a MIC?

  3. #3
    Community Member KreepyKritter's Avatar
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    My favorite experience, since starting back in '09, has to have been the first time I saw Velah, up close and personal...

    She's a terrifying thing to behold, especially if she is also your first raid, first time at level and first toon.

    Definitive Guide to Bravery Bonuses You've got questions? We've got answers... and bacon.

  4. #4
    Community Member Duilio's Avatar
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    A moment I will always remember is when I rolled a 92 on a d100 high roll for Devout Handwraps. The other monk rolled a 93............. I didn't say it was my favorite :P

  5. #5
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    My favorite DDO experience will be when I win the 1,000,000 platinum from this contest

  6. #6
    Community Member Arysta's Avatar
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    My favorite DDO Moment (or one of them, anyway) The first time I went into the Twelve enclave, I thought it would be fun to run in the red water (everyone was a newb at some point lol).. Yea. My death was hilarious and I'll never be able to live it down.. The random cleric who raised me was a saint!
    Alts: Arieanne Wightsbane. Mercifulll Fate, Ariesta Tre'Dain, Conqueste Sojurne, Mysadventure Calamitas, Flawlless Victorie, Ransaque Bonus, Ingenius Debilitation, Persistence, Theholyhand Grenade, Dyerseve, and many others...

  7. #7
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    I already entered the youtube competition, but I'll enter here too.

    This is another story about my wizard, but doesn't show me in quite such a flattering light. I'd just gotten the upgrade with my elemental resist spells from 10 to 20, and we ended up doing Proof is in the Poision on elite. Wwhen it came to the bit where we had to jump over the acid to pull a lever, I yelled 'Don't worry! I'm completely immune to acid now!' cast acid resist on myself, ran into it and died instantly. I don't think my friends will ever quite forget that bit.

  8. #8
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    Character name: Jakobii Drexelhand

    My favorite experience was the Halloween festival. Trekking through teleras graveyard, fighting hordes of undead, running from vamps and wight lords, but still attacking them recklessly, in hopes of a high level assist :P After hours of battle, getting into the Spectral Dragon's crypt, and running through its dark halls. Communicating with my fellow adventurers, making sure there was an adequate team in every room, at every switch. Driving back hordes of shadow creatures from the switch that kept the spectral dragon vulnerable, so the team in the chamber could do damage to it, knowing they would die if we failed. Joining the fight below when it got too intense, sending fireball after fireball at the dragon and its shadowy minions. Finally defeating it, getting my dragon scale and awesome loot. It was mythic in proportions.

  9. #9
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    Here’s an oldie but a goodie from way back when…

    20k to level 11 for Tobril. Haven't done Madstone yet. No problem, right?


    I threw up a group with the standard "Free Waffles" lie to fill the group faster. The first to sign up was a 10/1/1 Wizard/Fighter/Bard. Curious concept, but I can see the reasoning behind it.

    We then filled with 3 more fighter types and waited for a cleric. And waited. We finally decided to just take another fighter and be careful. (I'm a 2/8 Thief/Paladin)

    The word "careful" would later be redefined as "insane".

    Now with a complete party we proceed with the standard "OMG I need to make the run". I manage to eventually navigate my directionally challenged self to the quest.

    The first clue that this is about to go downhill hits. The Wizard wants to do as hard as we can open. We are all level 10-12 with no ability to raise dead. I decide on Pansy Mode for a quick level.

    The word "quick" would later be redefined as "miracle".

    One encounter into the quest we nearly wipe. Only myself and one other have paralyzers so I switch from damage to control, abandoning all thoughts of leading the kill list. The wizard has emptied his mana in about thirty seconds. He claims that "practicing" your spells makes them do more damage…

    I now realize that I am paying karmic debt for a past life of doing nothing but kick puppies.


    We finally manage to pull together with a bit of prodding to the Wizard to occasionally cast a useful spell. We try to explain that this does not consist of fireballing the same monster three times. The finer points of Haste and Firewall are strongly encouraged. And not dying every encounter.

    Arriving at the first seer we form a wall to block the minotaurs. Doofus (the Wizards new name) decides it's a good idea to empty his mana via magic missile to the endless waves of cows.

    Doofus says he is awesome.

    The word "awesome" would later be redefined as…well…I apparently don't know what words mean anymore.

    In the meantime I stoneskin the party via a wand. This tactic allows us to escape while losing only a few teeth.

    Soon after that encounter I prove the existence of a divine creator. Running down the path to the second seer I shout over the mic "If there is a god, there will be a firewall when I run down here and fight these 300 trolls and ogres". Low and behold, the heavens opened up and delivered unto me a flaming pillar of singed bad guys.

    Let there be light.

    The second seer encounter goes a bit awry when one of the large skeletons is accidentally disrupted. I hold a side while the remaining skeleton holds the other side. Our Wizard is dead in the lava (or something equally befitting of his awesomeness) at this point. I stoneskin the seer, followed by random buffs from the various secondary casters/items. A ranger manages to occupy the ogre magi on the cliff while I keep the seer healed via wand and Unyielding Sovereignty.

    We eventually manage to get to the last seer via a series of small disasters. I assign everyone to the bottom while I work on keeping the seer resisted/stoneskinned/healed. I eventually request a ranger to assist with healing as I've finally drained the last of my wands. (I've been a surrogate cleric this entire time) We manage to survive another leg of the adventure despite five-manning without a proper caster or cleric.

    I think it's at this point that someone asks what I do for a living. I tell him I'm a professional Sheep Humper. Why? Because it's true.

    Having achieved a relative level of success we proceed to the end fight. Our brave Wizard rushes the giant Wizard skeleton before anyone is ready. Seriously dude, there is not a Leroy Jenkins achievement in DDO.

    Finally an epiphany hits me.

    Screw that guy.

    I leave him for dead, not caring if anyone picks him up or not.

    We finally manage to beat the final boss into submission. Someone jumps off the edge and ends the quest.


    Once again a level is earned every step of the adventure. All my character planning and foresight finally pay off. I was even thanked for my leadership partway through. That is pretty amazing considering how haphazardly I run though quests.

    Best part? Final reward.

    +1 Holy Khopesh of Greater Dragon Bane.

    Vault of the Night anyone?
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

    YouTube | Twitch

  10. #10
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    My favorite experience in DDO has to be of a Tempest Spine I joined in-progress. After zoning in I see I have arrived too late to get any xp. Scrolling down a bit and checking the number of players deaths reveals more death of players then kills by players and many of the characters that had died multiple times are no longer in the group and the group is once again near full. As I am running out some arguing is heard over voice chat and it appear the players have lost the runes. A few more dings and a few disconnects later I end up with the leadership star and only a few players left. I post up the LFM..."Tempest Spine at End Boss come and get an end reward and few chests." A few more people join, this is what I love most about this game is the willingness of others to lend a hand to their fellow players, we go back and collect the runes and complete. The icing on the cake was getting a set of FullPlate of Giants armor.
    Last edited by dragons1ayer74; 09-09-2011 at 06:27 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    I posted even if I don't win its a nice touch and I love contests I think my best experience was going to the Sarlona boards for help and receiving it in abundance. I love our server and it found me my permanent guild
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  12. #12
    Community Member meb410's Avatar
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    One of my favorite DDO experiences happened just recently. I was on my PM, and I had run failed Abbot after failed Abbot, only successfully completing the quest about 4 times, but running it at least 30. The second completion I aver had, the Shroud was taken by a favored soul (Which still kind of upsets me) but on my most recent completion, me and a guildy jumped into a lfm and in that group, all the other casters were WF except me and the guildy, and she already had her shroud of the abbot, so when the cleric pulled it, I was the only one that rolled.
    Thank you for that kindly gift!
    I'll never forget it!
    "They should have an odor bonus to AC."
    "No, an insect bonus. You move wierdly due to insects in your pants, +2 AC."

  13. #13
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    My favorite DDO experience was watching a certain sorc soloing crystal cove, thinking about how he was doing it then going and repilcating it on my wizard... once I was able to do that crystal cove was a blast for me instead of a "did we get it this time" situation.

    Edit: Another favorite moment of mine was when I first started this game. I was tired of killing boars in wow, and had played alot of PnP. The first run through the korthos chain had me chanting to myself, "OMG this is so awesome" over and over.
    Last edited by Havok.cry; 09-17-2011 at 08:19 PM.
    Matt Walsh:
    But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’

  14. #14
    Community Member slothinator's Avatar
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    Default Glad I didn't drop this one

    So many moments - good and bad - that stand out, but this one was truly fun.

    Getting ready to log out on Kuddlefish (WF FVS, lvl 15 at the time) and I see and LFM for elite Siegebreaker up. They have five members, lvl 15-16, no healer, and Atma is leading; I can't pass this up.

    I step in, and all hell has broken loose. The first room mob, the cook and his mob, and the medusa and her mob from the poison the water optional are all in the main room. It's total bedlem. I buff and jump in. I'm throwing heals, some raises, trying to fight, blade barrier, divine puni.....DING!!! Close to the shrine, I rez, heal, and jump back in.

    We get the mobs under control, finish them off and loot. I hit the shrine to get some SP and - bleh!!! - I'm now covered in ogre/gnoll/kobold urine. Charisma penalty - i can't cast anything higher than 4th level. No mass cures, no DP, and no BB. To anyone who thinks making self-sufficient characters makes them gimp in a party setting - whatever (you know who you are).

    The next several minutes are amazing. Rogues and other classes are scroll healing/raising people as needed, my melee abilities are really paying off, and we are cutting through this quest. My CHA penalty finally drops, and we mop up the big fight before the puzzle and drop down. Final fight goes really smooth - I'm healing/BB/DP, Atma's grabbing the traps, and we finish up without further trouble.

    For what started out as an absolute disaster, you would never have known that by the end. Everyone rallied, kept their cool, and we fought through it. No yelling or screaming, no name calling - just a solid group of players overcoming a tough start to finish a quest. Not the smoothest run, but definitely one of the most fun.
    Sarlona: Stelvar, Stethos, Saltmint, Abbracadaver, Shaigh Hulud, Fujihowser MD, Soundwaive, Kuddlefish and some others

  15. #15
    Community Member Unreliable's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone so far for your participation!

    Dont worry though, this contest will continue to be open through the 29th of this month, so dont feel like you have missed out if you are reading this and have not posted yet

    Just a reminder: Very short comments and comments that are not relevant to the question What has been your favorite or one of your favorite experiences playing DDO will not be entered into the random drawing to recieve the prize of 1,000,000 platinum on the Sarlona server.

    Additonally, in order to recieve double the chance to win, you must post two seperate favorite moments (one on the youtube comments page and one as a reply to this thread)

    Thanks again for everyones participation, and the drawing for the platinum prizes (2) will occur on September 30, 2011 the day after the contest ends!

    Good Luck!

  16. #16
    Community Member frank007's Avatar
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    Default Most exciting momment in DDO

    Hey guys

    My most wonderful/ exciting/thrilling time that I ahd was a VON5&6 run at LVL:

    Von 5 when normally few people that drops few that join the group during the run the usual Von 5 Run

    Now come Von6 is another story.We Zone in and people started to drop so we were down to 7 player whit the healer included that had neverdone it before. Two of the guys fall down from the platform so down to 5 including the healer. We manage to take the pillar done in 15-20minutes
    Now velah time!!....

    2 of the DPS dies, me and another guy are up and hiting velah the healer keep us up but having an hard time because velah hiting us real hard ....... and few seconds later Velah is down ...... I ahd 22HP left the other Barb had 10HP and the Cleric had 12SP left wowwwww.

    That was more exciting then when I pulled my first Bloodstone :P


  17. #17
    Community Member HidalgoXaran's Avatar
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    Hey guys,

    my best moment was with my first toon which is a pure dext assassin. It was at my first Epic quest which was EpiSnitch.

    It's not a particular moment, but the whole quest. I relieved me of thinking my rogue was gimp when I saw I could assassinate, disarm, dps, and even survive! That was the first of many many epics and now, as much as I enjoy this toon, I know I'll enjoy it even more when I'll TR her, again as a pure dext rogue.


    Toon: Friia

    Friia: lvl 20 pure human assassin, soon to be lvl 25 pure ShadowDancer Rogue

  18. #18
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    I could partecipate this when i have a minute
    How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We absolutely planned for Fighter to still have Haste Boost. It's absolutely a bug. Any similar issues that look "wrong" to any player should be bugged.
    Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!

  19. #19
    Community Member Deanarth's Avatar
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    I get alot of enjoyment out of creating a character the first time. But I always get that feeling of "What if I make a crappy character?" as I'm creating it. Most games seem to have that gimp class or combination and I'm afraid to choose that combo so I'll spend an hour or ten reading the games forums, wiki, etc. seeing what's good and what's not. Then it tends to ruin that new game feel.

    With DDO, making a character didn't give me that feeling. The only problem I was having was what I wanted to make. So no reading into it, I decided to just go for it and made my first character. An elven fighter. Now this first fighter was great. I planned to tank with it (realize I don't know how DDO tanking works at this point), so decided to go with 18 Strength, 14 (+2 for 16) Dex to add to my AC, 14 (-2) Con [afterall, it's just a slight con penalty, and elves are cool], 8 in the rest (yea, I never use Combat Expertise in PnP). I only played with a group of friends, got up to lvl 4, no toughness feat btw. I see I have action points but wasn't sure how to spend them at all, and assumed they worked like PnP action points.

    So eventually my friends don't log on and I decide to PuG a couple quests. My friends and I used vent exclusively so I don't have the in game chat on at all. I see the group I get into and these people just DESTROY the quest. I try to throw up some Intimidate and tank the mobs (I usually play tanks in MMOs), charge first to get the aggro. I keep charging ahead and eventually pull too much and die. The others easily handle the aggro, my soulstone gets picked up. They run through the quest to the end, eventually getting to a rez shrine. They tell me to just stay in back at this point and stop trying to zerg when I can't handle it. No idea what they were talking about (Zerg to me meant send a massive force of small minions at your enemie's base before they can react).

    After the run, one of the players takes abit of time and explains a few things to me, asks me about my build, gives me a few pointers, tells me how action points actually work. I decide to spend some time on the forums at this point and realize just how bad my character was. It was at this time I realized just how different DDO is from PnP.

    I still ended up making a new Elf Fighter (with 32 point build), but I didn't try tanking at this point and instead focused on DPS. Ended up leveling it to 20 and planning to TR tonight. But that point when you realize everything you knew about PnP doesn't apply here in the same way is probably one of my favorite experiences.
    Khyber: Daedri - 20th lvl Elf Fighter (Yay, first lvl 20 7/2/11)

    Art misunderstanding by calm, poise and balance.

  20. #20
    Community Member Culver.Civello's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    So many favorite moments. Oh boy.

    One one of my favorite moments was when we got druids! Yea! That was awesome. XD j/k

    My all time favorite moment has to be when I finally went VIP, from f2p. Harharhar. So much new content (for me at least) to explore. That is when I really kind of sunk into the game and just absolutely fell in love with it. Lots of new people to play with that didn't always do f2p content. Oh and when I joined my current guild that I've been a part of for a long while now. Those guys are great and there is always a good time. Finding that Perfect guild for me. :P Then there is my first shroud run. I was honestly so scared because I read the forums and there of course is always lots of 'interesting' stories from there. After running it though, it was awesome! I also loved my first bloodstone... I seriously ran sands a million times trying to get it. I was going on nearly 2-3 days straight farming for it and finally a guildy joined my group. Farmed a couple times with me and then just randomly handed me one. It was unexpected but awesome. I don't know. I have lots of favorite moments! >.< I'll just leave it at that.

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