Offering 4 LDS. I would offer 2 frds but alas I have none.
Offering 4 LDS. I would offer 2 frds but alas I have none.
Will check with my guildies to make sure none of them need mine to craft. Otherwise can offer mine for 6 LDS.
You don't have your toon names in your sig. If we are friends on the server or you run in the same channels, will do 4 for ya no prob.
Let me know if you are interested. No urgency on my end whatsoever.
My screen name is sorrowanddoo and just looking at your alts I have been in some quests with you but you can qualify that how you like. I will leave it to you.
Last edited by ChemE; 09-08-2011 at 04:32 PM.
Sounds good.
Was in game just now looking for ya but you weren't on. I tried sending a mail to the toon name you PM'd me but DDO says it doesn't exist. Checked the spelling, twice. Please shoot me another PM and confirm the toon name.
Logged on now.
Deal done. Thank you.