First of all, my cleric "works" as intended. With gear, 16 str, 12 dex, 14 Con, 10 Int, 25 Wis, 14 Cha. Lvl 9, Radiant server and so. S&B, 39 AC fully buffed. 165 hit points fully buffed or so.
So, it could be better, but its OK.
It is just a bit boring to hack around with the sword/mace.
I was thinking something like dual box, master touch me and go around a bit with a THW. But dual boxing is kind of a hassle, so maybe the -4 is not so terrible after all?*
What do you do?
Splashing is out of question, taking a feat is uber out of question.
Thanks for the comments!
* Very low UMD, so buying scrolls is not so great...