Quote Originally Posted by crimsonrazac View Post
In my opinion a monk's dps is practically impossible to calculate. The class truly is like playing the piano and the damage output relies heavily on the player utilizing their abilities and button mashing out all your earth strikes and having a high enough dc on your jade strike that its as close to no fail as possible.

I'm personally a huge fan of wind IV because it raises the chance that a mob will have to make multiple saves against a debuffing effect like sf for trash and jade strike for boss mobs
Well, normal DPS is just like anyone else's; it's the ki strikes that make a difference, and you can make educated guesses about how much ki you generate and how many of what strike you can dish out. For example, Touch of Death has a 15 second cooldown, costs 50 ki, and should, at end game, average about 900 damage per use (varying with the enemies resist, your WIS, are you using dark finisher, etc), giving 3600 damage/min, or about 60 DPS.

Wind IV is very nice for touch of death, too, as well as general DPS.