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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Exclamation An idea to guild play - Guild Deathmath

    I just came up with an idea that maybe we can have more fun with guild, for example, we can have guildies form up a team and fight another team formed by another guild?

    Well here is what I am thinking:

    1. Where to fight?

    I think the pvp ground in taverns is not suitable for this kind of guild match, maybe we need a new amphitheater?

    A new amphitheater can be better designed for such kind of guild match, also can provide some extra fun.... for example, let other ppl buy a ticket for a hundred or 2 hundreds plats and watch the fight, or betting on the fighting teams to see if the team can earn their day.

    2. How to enlist the match?

    a) you need to form up a team with guildies. My suggestion is a team should have at least 4 players, and maximum 6 players. to prevent some 1-man guild entering the match.

    And maybe we need to implement a level-restriction here, so there wont be a low level team fighting a high level team. my suggestion here is we make 4 different grades, lv1-5, lv6-10, lv11-15, lv16-20. or maybe 5 grades with lv1-4, lv5-8,lv9-12,lv13-16 and lv17-20.

    The level restriction applies to the highest level player in team, just like how we enter the dungeon. Or we can apply to whole team? But I think that gonna have some problems for a guild to gather a team within the desired level, even for a big guild.

    b) When you have a team, go to the amphitheater and speak to npc to enlist your team in the match.

    Here comes a problem... what about if you enlisted your team and there is no other team enlisted at same time? My suggestion is let the fight start at per hour, and every team that want to match in amphitheater must enlisted 10 minutes earlier, and they can NOT leave the amphitheater or considered give up the match.

    Then, the system randomly pick up the match, you never know what team you gonna fighting with unless there is only 2 teams enlisted.

    Then, the system will transfer team to their preparation room, stripping them with all buffs. They have about 1 minutes here to rebuff and prepare for the upcoming match.

    And the gate to match ground raise, both prepared (or not) teams enter the ground, bloody fun start! Hear the scream!

    3) after a bloody fight, maybe we can reward the winning team with some gold, guild renown(50, 100, 200 and 500 by grade) and An astral diamond(or not), put them in the chest for the winners to loot. The losing team... well, maybe they should suffer some guild renown loss (-25, -50, -100 and -250)

    4) Since the guild match only happen at per hour, maybe we can also hold some PvE actions at other time so the amphitheater can be fully utilized. Still a guild needs to form up a team with guildies, then they speak to npc, to pick up a monster group they wanna fight with. They can choose a small group (6 enemies), a medium group (12 enemies) or a large group (18 enemies) or a huge group (24 enemies....anyone up to this kind of challenge?) with specific CR level. There will be no level restriction since it is player fighting monsters, they pick their own fate on their free will.

    If they win the fight, they can also earn some gold and renown (50, 100, 200 and 500, impressive if they can survive a huge group of 24 monsters rushing to them like tsunami) but if the highest level player in team is way higher than monsters they fight, they will have a certain chance gain no favor at all (2 levels higher -10%, 3 levels higher -25%, 4 levels higher -50%, 5 levels higher -75%, 6 levels and over gain nothing at all)

    (and, sorry about my poor English)

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Already here

    They have this already. Click the person you want to fight. Select Challenge from the window. Set the rules. Begin. Nobody should ever pvp in a tavern.

    Additionally, you have full access to all abilities (summons, all spells, etc)


  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Syllph View Post
    They have this already. Click the person you want to fight. Select Challenge from the window. Set the rules. Begin. Nobody should ever pvp in a tavern.

    Additionally, you have full access to all abilities (summons, all spells, etc)


    It's actually a really nice PVP option compared to taverns, I don't see why it's not used more often.

  4. #4
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    May 2010


    I consider PvP a waste of time with no benefits. I'd think of GvG (Guild vs Guild) to be a bigger waste of time with no great benefits, even though your suggestion includes renown as a reward (or punishment if you lose).
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