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  1. #1
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    Default Please evaluate my gear

    Current packs I own are Devils of Shav, VoT, VoN, Necro IV, Gianthold, Reaver's, Deleras and Sands. I'd like to know if my gear is up to par for a first life toon with these packs, and if not, what I should replace. I am Fighter(18)/Rogue(2)

    Head: Minos Legens
    Necklace: Tier III Earth II +45 Hp green steel
    Trinket: Bloodstone(Soon to be Epic)
    Cloak: Cloak of Resistance +4
    Belt: Proof against Poison Belt of Greater False Life(Working on Knost's Belt)
    Rings: Tumbleweed + Constitution +6 Ring(Working on Encrusted Ring and Epic Ring of Baphomet)
    Boots: Madstone Boots
    Gloves: Dextrous +6 Boots(Working on Epic Spectral Gloves)
    Armor: Breastplate of Destruction(Working on Dragon Touched)
    Bracers: Levik's Bracers
    Goggles: Thrane's Goggles

    I plan to True Reincarnate into a Half-Orc Barbarian, so all of this gear will remain useful aside from perhaps Thrane's Goggles, because I will likely have agro often from my glancing blows, and thus the Sneak Attack damage becomes useless. True Seeing remains useful, but I wonder if I'd be better off replacing it with a Deathblock green steel item?

    Weapons are Min II Greatsword, Lit II Falchion and Pos II Maul. Also working on my Epic Sword of Shadows. Please recommend gear only from the packs I have or that can be purchased from players or the auction house. Please do not recommend gear from the Pirate event as I no longer have the means to obtain it on account of it not being available.

  2. #2
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Re: Tharne's Goggles and Sneak Attack.

    They will not be entirely useless items. Even if you are a Barb, someone else may have aggro. This includes places like Raids, where you may not be the only Barb, or they may want a Non-Barb as tank. Also, if you take Stunning Blow, or run with anyone who uses Stunning Blow/Stunning Fist/Holds, you will get Sneak Attack damage on those mobs. So, it is moar deeps.

    Necklace - I personally would have said Min II, so you could ditch the Minos, and put Toughness in an Epic Blue Slot.

    Resist +4 Cloak - kind of Weak. If you get the eSpectrals, you could in theory put Resist +4 on the Yellow Slot, and free up a space for another Green Steel accessory, or just whatever.

    I'm still processing - let me think some more.

    Question while processing - what sort of Dragontouched Armor are you working for, exactly? Or perhaps multiples? If you go the Outfit/Robe route, since AC won't matter, you can have a Heal Amp set, a Threat Set, a Guard Set, etc.
    Last edited by TheDearLeader; 09-06-2011 at 02:20 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Looks ok to me.

    You are obviously proceeding on to Epics.

    For a Barb i would look at the Abashai set and the Gloves & Bracers of the Claw set.

    Dont like where you put ur GS. That is the wrong spot IMHO.

    Minos will go as will all the single shot items (ie Res Cloak) because there powers will be duplicated by Tod sets or as Epic Enhancements.

    Make a couple of DT armours inc a heal amp set for tanking.

    Then in long run you will look at Epic Cavalry Plate if event comes back (unbelievable item for resource needed to make)

    Ultimately you will look at E Mari chain or Redscale

    Spectral Gloves have gone down the pecking order somewhat now. You can do better for less trouble.
    Last edited by krackythehoodedone; 09-06-2011 at 02:28 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Re: Tharne's Goggles and Sneak Attack.

    They will not be entirely useless items. Even if you are a Barb, someone else may have aggro. This includes places like Raids, where you may not be the only Barb, or they may want a Non-Barb as tank. Also, if you take Stunning Blow, or run with anyone who uses Stunning Blow/Stunning Fist/Holds, you will get Sneak Attack damage on those mobs. So, it is moar deeps.

    Necklace - I personally would have said Min II, so you could ditch the Minos, and put Toughness in an Epic Blue Slot.

    Resist +4 Cloak - kind of Weak. If you get the eSpectrals, you could in theory put Resist +4 on the Yellow Slot, and free up a space for another Green Steel accessory, or just whatever.

    I'm still processing - let me think some more.

    Question while processing - what sort of Dragontouched Armor are you working for, exactly? Or perhaps multiples? If you go the Outfit/Robe route, since AC won't matter, you can have a Heal Amp set, a Threat Set, a Guard Set, etc.
    The cloak is my weakest link. I considered green steel, but I disliked it greatly since it was very much limited in it's save options. I would go with the Epic Envenomed cloak on account of it being... Well, epic. But that'd require me to have Devil Assault, which I personally find ridiculous that they're charging 300+ points for 1 raid and 1 quest.

    I couldn't find any necklaces on the wiki that looked totally necessary for my barbarian build, so I went with my gs hp item there. I don't see any harm in using it at the current time, despite everyone I know protesting.

    My DT is gonna be the outfit/robe method for sure. I think I'll do healing amp 10%, 15%, and then some kind of guard since Levik's already has healing amp +20%. I'm skipping the guard set in favor of the healing amp set. Barbarians take too much damage and those lovely healers always like to growl at me for having so much hp.

  5. #5
    Community Member sheepface's Avatar
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    This is what I wear on my fighter which although grind intensive I find to work out well.

    Head - Epic Red Dragon Helm w/ gfl slotted
    Neck - Shintao Cord
    Trinket - Greater Bold Trinket
    Cloak - Triple Earth GS cloak - 45 hp
    Belt - Ravager Belt
    Ring 1 - Ravager Ring - +2 Str
    Gloves - Epic Gloves of the Claw
    Boots - Madstone Boots
    Ring 2 - Kyoshos Ring - 20% healing amp
    Bracers - Epic Claw Bracers
    Goggles - Tharnes
    Armour - Marilith Chain (non epic but hope to make it epic eventually).

    Something similar could work for you. Your hp is in kinda a weak spot as it locks you out of alot of decent ToD sets that involve a necklace so if you have the funds available I would strongly suggest moving your hp item to cloak or something like that.
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  6. #6
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    Easiest thing to fix would be to get a +5 cloak of resistance, instead of the +4.

    You could also look at getting a Shimmering Arrowhead from Weapon Shipment, and using that instead of the Blood Stone, but you're upgrading it anyway, so it's probably not that important.
    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  7. #7
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    For a Barb i would look at the Abashai set and the Gloves & Bracers of the Claw set.
    He doesn't own either of those packs. He asked we stick within the parameters of that which he already owned.

    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    Then in long run you will look at Epic Cavalry Plate if event comes back (unbelievable item for resource needed to make)
    This isn't a bad idea. It's a powerful item, fully upgraded, and could replace your Heavy Fortification or Toughness from Minos in the Blue slot, and also handles the Resistance bonus to saves.

    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    Ultimately you will look at E Mari chain or Redscale
    Ultimately = Pipe Dream. Red Scale's the more available of the two, but that's still a ton of grind. Most players are better off trading their red scales away for something easier to make.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varashad View Post
    The cloak is my weakest link. I considered green steel, but I disliked it greatly since it was very much limited in it's save options. I would go with the Epic Envenomed cloak on account of it being... Well, epic. But that'd require me to have Devil Assault, which I personally find ridiculous that they're charging 300+ points for 1 raid and 1 quest.
    It is a good item. In fact, the set put together is pretty beast. But if you're not game for paying for it, there's no helping that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varashad View Post
    I couldn't find any necklaces on the wiki that looked totally necessary for my barbarian build, so I went with my gs hp item there. I don't see any harm in using it at the current time, despite everyone I know protesting.
    Shintao Cord, if you weren't going for Baphomet, would be my recommendation. Shintao's Set bonus is nice.

    Personally, I don't like to put anything too essential in my neck slot, since there's always a chance I'll need to swap it out for the SF Talisman, for Beholders and whatnot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varashad View Post
    My DT is gonna be the outfit/robe method for sure. I think I'll do healing amp 10%, 15%, and then some kind of guard since Levik's already has healing amp +20%. I'm skipping the guard set in favor of the healing amp set. Barbarians take too much damage and those lovely healers always like to growl at me for having so much hp.
    Honestly, the Bracers are kind of weak, too. They were beast when they came out, but we have better now. If you're going for Ring of Baphomet, why not put 20% Healing Amp on your Encrusted Ring? That opens your Bracers up for something that's a little less redundant in your build.

  8. #8
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    If you are a front rank DPS then taking aggro is ur game.

    So lose the Tharnes and put your GS hp item in here.

  9. #9
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    I currently wear this on my dwarf barbarian. Includies hate gen gear and DPS gear. Still hunting for epic shards and seals for the eclaw bracers and gloves.

    Weapon: Lit 2, Min 2, Cannith Crafted
    Armor: Epic Cavalry Plate, great tanking armor

    Goggles: Earth II Greensteel Goggles - HP +45, Con Skills +6, Earthgrab Guard + Tharne's Goggles for later
    Necklace: Stalwart Necklace for the hate gen set bonus + Shintao Cord for when I want the dps set bonus + Silver Flame Talisman
    Trinket: Bloodstone for trash + Greater Bold Trinket for bosses with fort
    Helmet: Minos Legens
    Belt: Knost's Belt + Colethenis's Belt
    Cloak: Neg II - Blindness/Poison/Disease/Fear Immunity, Deathblock, Slay Living Guard
    Bracers: Levik's Bracers
    Gloves: Epic Brawling Gloves for Str and Sneak attack
    Rings: Ring of the Ravager + Encrusted Ring + Kyosho's Ring + Epic Ring of the Buccaneer
    Boots: Madstone Boots + Firestorm Greaves + Striders

    Long run:

    Weapon: ESoS, Alchemical Weapons
    Armor: Epic Cavalry Plate + Epic Marilith Chain + Epic Red Scale + DT

    Goggles: Earth II Greensteel Goggles - HP +45, Con Skills +6, Earthgrab Guard + Tharne's Goggles for later
    Necklace: Stalwart Necklace for the hate gen set bonus + Shintao Cord for when I want the dps set bonus + Silver Flame Talisman
    Trinket: Bloodstone for trash + Greater Bold Trinket for bosses with fort
    Helmet: Epic Helm of the Red Dragon
    Belt: Knost's Belt + Colethenis's Belt
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak
    Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw
    Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
    Rings: Ring of the Ravager + Encrusted Ring + Kyosho's Ring + Epic Ring of the Buccaneer
    Boots: Madstone Boots + Firestorm Greaves + Striders
    Last edited by TheDjinnFor; 09-06-2011 at 03:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post

    If you are a front rank DPS then taking aggro is ur game.

    So lose the Tharnes and put your GS hp item in here.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Re: Tharne's Goggles and Sneak Attack.

    They will not be entirely useless items. Even if you are a Barb, someone else may have aggro. This includes places like Raids, where you may not be the only Barb, or they may want a Non-Barb as tank. Also, if you take Stunning Blow, or run with anyone who uses Stunning Blow/Stunning Fist/Holds, you will get Sneak Attack damage on those mobs. So, it is moar deeps.
    Just because you're a Barb doesn't mean you're a tank; just because you have the highest damage doesn't mean you'll be denied Sneak Attack.

  11. #11
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Just because you're a Barb doesn't mean you're a tank; just because you have the highest damage doesn't mean you'll be denied Sneak Attack.
    But when you're not tanking, you don't really need +45 HP as a capped, geared-out-the-nose barb, and so can afford to throw on Tharne's. And when you are tanking, you won't have sneak attack damage.

  12. #12
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    For a Barb i would look at the Abashai set and the Gloves & Bracers of the Claw set.
    He doesn't have those packs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varashad View Post
    Current packs I own are Devils of Shav, VoT, VoN, Necro IV, Gianthold, Reaver's, Deleras and Sands. I'd like to know if my gear is up to par for a first life toon with these packs, and if not, what I should replace. I am Fighter(18)/Rogue(2)

    Head: Minos Legens
    Necklace: Tier III Earth II +45 Hp green steel
    Trinket: Bloodstone(Soon to be Epic)
    Cloak: Min II +45 HP Green Steel
    Belt: Proof against Poison Belt of Greater False Life(Working on Knost's Belt)
    Rings: Tumbleweed + Constitution +6 Ring(Working on Encrusted Ring and Epic Ring of Baphomet (Get Kyosho's Ring instead))
    Boots: Madstone Boots
    Gloves: Dextrous +6 Boots(Working on Epic Spectral Gloves)
    Armor: Breastplate of Destruction(Working on Dragon Touched) DT (w/ 10% Heal Amp, Corrosive Salt Guard, Disintegration Guard)
    Bracers: Levik's Bracers Pick up Tharne's Bracers for hotswap when threat reduction is needed
    Goggles: Thrane's Goggles
    Here's my suggestion for gear based on what you have and what you could get... (this is all assuming you don't pick up anymore packs.)

    For now, only work for what I have put in red.

    Here is my suggestion for a final setup still assuming you have not gotten more packs.

    Head: Epic Helm of the Red Dragon
    Necklace: Shintao Cord
    Trinket: Bloodstone
    Cloak: Min II +45 HP Green Steel
    Belt: Knost's Belt
    Ring1: Kyosho's Ring w/ 20% Heal amp
    Ring2: Encrusted Ring w/ +2 exp Strength
    Boots: Madstone Boots
    Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves
    Armor*: Epic Marilith Chain (w/ Toughness) / Epic Red Dragonscale Robe (w/ Toughness)
    Bracers: Salt II Green Steel (Blind & Disease Immune, Ice Guard, Ice Guard) / Tharne's Bracers (Hotswap)
    Goggles: Tharne's Goggles

    *Please note that for the Armor, the Epic Stonemeld Plate Armor or Epic Vulkoorim Dervish Robe will be decent substitutions.
    Last edited by Grieve; 09-06-2011 at 03:15 PM.
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  13. #13
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grieve View Post
    Here's my suggestion for gear based on what you have and what you could get... (this is all assuming you don't pick up anymore packs.)

    For now, only work for what I have put in red.

    Here is my suggestion for a final setup still assuming you have not gotten more packs.

    Head: Epic Helm of the Red Dragon
    Necklace: Shintao Cord
    Trinket: Bloodstone
    Cloak: Min II +45 HP Green Steel
    Belt: Knost's Belt
    Ring1: Kyosho's Ring w/ 20% Heal amp
    Ring2: Encrusted Ring w/ +2 exp Strength
    Boots: Madstone Boots
    Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves
    Armor*: Epic Marilith Chain (w/ Toughness) / Epic Red Dragonscale Robe (w/ Toughness)
    Bracers: Salt II Green Steel (Blind & Disease Immune, Ice Guard, Ice Guard) / Tharne's Bracers (Hotswap)
    Goggles: Tharne's Goggles

    *Please note that for the Armor, the Epic Stonemeld Plate Armor or Epic Vulkoorim Dervish Robe will be decent substitutions.
    Missing a resistance item, unless you're going with my prior suggestion of using the Yellow slot on the eSpectrals.

    Still think the eMarilith or eRed is a bit ambitious of an armor suggestion, whereas the Cove armor is quite obtainable.

    This is still not at all a bad setup.

  14. #14
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Default OK Guys

    I know he doesnt have those packs.

    But he is also talking about grinding for an ESOS

    So i'm thinking that by the time he has gotten that far

    He will 99.9999% likely have the other stuff.

    Re Tharnes as well as taking aggro, that slot is simply the best for hiding ur GS HP L11 guard.

    And lets be honest Tharnes isnt anywhere near as powerful as the Epic items you will put where your GS used to be.

    You just cant have it all in this game

  15. #15
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Missing a resistance item, unless you're going with my prior suggestion of using the Yellow slot on the eSpectrals.

    Still think the eMarilith or eRed is a bit ambitious of an armor suggestion, whereas the Cove armor is quite obtainable.

    This is still not at all a bad setup.
    Resistance can be slotted in a couple spots on there and I was actually thinking he could go with Epic Kundarak Warding Bracers, but the things it provides would be too redundant so slotting it on the Helm or Gloves would work.

    Also, I editted my post to include a couple other back up Epic Armors that could be useful though I now remember that one could make a DT with Heavy Fort, Crushing Wave Guard, & Disintegration Guard, which would probably be better and easier.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    I know he doesnt have those packs.

    But he is also talking about grinding for an ESOS

    So i'm thinking that by the time he has gotten that far

    He will 99.9999% likely have the other stuff.

    Re Tharnes as well as taking aggro, that slot is simply the best for hiding ur GS HP L11 guard.

    And lets be honest Tharnes isnt anywhere near as powerful as the Epic items you will put where your GS used to be.

    You just cant have it all in this game
    I am just working within the parameters set by the OP. Trust me, if he said that he was considering getting other packs I would have factored those in, but I know multiple players who don't plan on having every pack either and are content with what they have. I am just being respectful and giving him a possible solution that should suit his request.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Wraith_Sarevok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varashad View Post
    The cloak is my weakest link. I considered green steel, but I disliked it greatly since it was very much limited in it's save options. I would go with the Epic Envenomed cloak on account of it being... Well, epic. But that'd require me to have Devil Assault, which I personally find ridiculous that they're charging 300+ points for 1 raid and 1 quest.

    I couldn't find any necklaces on the wiki that looked totally necessary for my barbarian build, so I went with my gs hp item there. I don't see any harm in using it at the current time, despite everyone I know protesting.

    My DT is gonna be the outfit/robe method for sure. I think I'll do healing amp 10%, 15%, and then some kind of guard since Levik's already has healing amp +20%. I'm skipping the guard set in favor of the healing amp set. Barbarians take too much damage and those lovely healers always like to growl at me for having so much hp.
    I used this exact build on my 2nd life (except maybe that I was Warforged and a Kensai), with similar Two-Handed weapons.

    Your gear is pretty much as good as it gets without raiding/questing for sets and the epic gear. Make your cloak a Cloak of Resistance +5. Trust me, it does exist. It just takes a lot of time and luck finding it in the Auction House mor as a quest reward.

    Your Tumbleweed ALREADY gives +6 dexterity, so it is redundant with the gloves. Change those gloves to Ogre Power +6 Gloves. You can find those pretty easily in the Auction House. You MUST have a +STR item to keep your damage output high.

    Put Healing Amp 10%, Crushing Wave/Disintegration/Lightning Strike/Corrosive Salt guard, and Destruction on your DT (I don't think there IS a Healing Amp 15%). Any of the above guards is solid and destruction ensures you have an easy time hitting bosses.

    You should keep Tharne's Goggles. The sneak attack bonus is very useful in common raids like Epic Demon Queen and The Shroud, where the raidboss has a random targetting scheme and never targets JUST you. In those cases, you get a free +8 damage each hit.

    You can craft a triple HP green Steel goggles to replace it when being the main tank, but it's not necessary to succeed unless you're tanking something like Elite Horoth or Epic Lord of Blades.

    Here's what I WOULD work on from the packs you have and disregard everything else (wasted effort for gear you will replace anyway!):

    Encrusted Ring [ToD]
    Coelthensis' Belt [ToD]
    Knost's Belt [ToD]
    Ring of the Ravager [ToD]

    These give around the same DPS boost (minor differences between each). It's a good idea to collect BOTH (in case they add the Ravager PRE one day and update the set bonus).

    Kyosho's Ring [ToD]
    Shintao Cord [ToD]

    This set can be worn in conjunction with either of the above and gives +2 hit and +2 damage, and stacks with EVERYTHING.

    Epic Marilith Chain - Armor [Sands raid]
    Epic Sword of Shadows - Main Weapon [VoN6 raid]
    Litany of the Dead - Trinket (best trinket in the game) [Necro IV raid]

    Bloodstone is actually a poorer trinket than most people make it out to be. It's only good for Warforged, and even then it's a very close choice between that and Litany of the Dead.
    Last edited by Wraith_Sarevok; 09-06-2011 at 04:12 PM.

  18. #18
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith_Sarevok View Post
    Put Healing Amp 10%, Crushing Wave/Disintegration/Lightning Strike/Corrosive Salt guard, and Destruction on your DT (I don't think there IS a Healing Amp 15%). Any of the above guards is solid and destruction ensures you have an easy time hitting bosses.
    Just want to clarify for the OP. Crushing Wave & Corrosive Salt guards are Tempest Runes for DT. Disintegration & Destruction are Sovereign Runes for DT. Lightning Strike is not an option on DT. Also, DT only has 10% & 20% Healing Amp runes; the former being an Eldritch rune and the latter being a Tempest rune.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith_Sarevok View Post
    Epic Marilith Chain - Armor [Sands raid]
    Epic Sword of Shadows - Main Weapon [VoN6 raid]
    Litany of the Dead - Trinket (best trinket in the game) [Necro IV raid]

    Bloodstone is actually a poorer trinket than most people make it out to be. It's only good for Warforged, and even then it's a very close choice between that and Litany of the Dead.
    I would agree with your assessment of the Bloodstone except that he won't have seeker anywhere else so I think it would come down to personal preference and what weapon he is using since the Bloodstone's effective is mainly determined by crit profile & mob fortification. He might even consider hotswapping the 2 items depending on the enemy.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith_Sarevok View Post
    I used this exact build on my 2nd life (except maybe that I was Warforged and a Kensai), with similar Two-Handed weapons.

    Your gear is pretty much as good as it gets without raiding/questing for sets and the epic gear. Make your cloak a Cloak of Resistance +5. Trust me, it does exist. It just takes a lot of time and luck finding it in the Auction House mor as a quest reward.

    Your Tumbleweed ALREADY gives +6 dexterity, so it is redundant with the gloves. Change those gloves to Ogre Power +6 Gloves. You can find those pretty easily in the Auction House. You MUST have a +STR item to keep your damage output high.

    Put Healing Amp 10%, Crushing Wave/Disintegration/Lightning Strike/Corrosive Salt guard, and Destruction on your DT (I don't think there IS a Healing Amp 15%). Any of the above guards is solid and destruction ensures you have an easy time hitting bosses.

    You should keep Tharne's Goggles. The sneak attack bonus is very useful in common raids like Epic Demon Queen and The Shroud, where the raidboss has a random targetting scheme and never targets JUST you. In those cases, you get a free +8 damage each hit.

    You can craft a triple HP green Steel goggles to replace it when being the main tank, but it's not necessary to succeed unless you're tanking something like Elite Horoth or Epic Lord of Blades.

    Here's what I WOULD work on from the packs you have and disregard everything else (wasted effort for gear you will replace anyway!):

    Encrusted Ring [ToD]
    Coelthensis' Belt [ToD]
    Knost's Belt [ToD]
    Ring of the Ravager [ToD]

    These give around the same DPS boost (minor differences between each). It's a good idea to collect BOTH (in case they add the Ravager PRE one day and update the set bonus).

    Kyosho's Ring [ToD]
    Shintao Cord [ToD]

    This set can be worn in conjunction with either of the above and gives +2 hit and +2 damage, and stacks with EVERYTHING.

    Epic Marilith Chain - Armor [Sands raid]
    Epic Sword of Shadows - Main Weapon [VoN6 raid]
    Litany of the Dead - Trinket (best trinket in the game) [Necro IV raid]

    Bloodstone is actually a poorer trinket than most people make it out to be. It's only good for Warforged, and even then it's a very close choice between that and Litany of the Dead.
    I facepalmed when I read the Tumbleweed statement. Levik's gives +6 strength which is the primary reason I use it. I have Tumbleweed however because aside from ToD rings, which I don't dare run right now since I don't have my boots, most rings suck. Baphomet is also worthless prior to being epic.

    I'll keep the DT armor in mind. Just gotta go on the wiki to find out which one I like best. I'll probably replace Destruction though since I hit on everything aside from a natural one at level 20.

    Assuming I skip the goggles how much would I be hurting myself? I don't like the idea of having crafted an expensive item, only to toss it uselessly into my bank. Turbine really should let us deconstruct green steel to get mats, but not shards of power and energy cells, back.

    Yeah, Marilith Chain is nice. I have to admit, I never had even looked that up. I had gotten Sands purely to have some epics available, and had written off most of it's loot as worthless to me. In hindsight, I'm a fool, and I'll definitely be farming that out.

    Regarding the Shintao sets +2 damage I assume it's a necklace and a ring, and that's why I'd be better off with GS +45 hp goggles instead of a necklace?

    One last thing; once I have eSoS will my Lit II end up redundant and unused, or will it still find it's way into my hands for certain fights?

    Oh, and thank you to everyone who has posted, and double thanks to everyone who posted within my fairly strict requirements.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varashad View Post
    Regarding the Shintao sets +2 damage I assume it's a necklace and a ring, and that's why I'd be better off with GS +45 hp goggles instead of a necklace? Yes, that is why you should try to move your GS HP item.

    One last thing; once I have eSoS will my Lit II end up redundant and unused, or will it still find it's way into my hands for certain fights? It will be redundant once you slot your eSoS with a red augment crystal. Otherwise, you GS Lit II will still bypass DR your eSoS won't making it semi-useful. The GS Lit II will also be useful for leveling purposes since the eSoS can only be used at 20.
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