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  1. #1
    Community Member BlackCircleForums's Avatar
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    Aug 2011

    Default Petition: Disarm and/or Called Shot

    Two more tactical feats, whether they are given like trip and sunder or have to be feated like stunning blow i dont really care but the variety would be nice, especially since melees need some mixing up and whatnot.

    Edit: Deleted a caster comment
    Last edited by BlackCircleForums; 09-05-2011 at 06:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member BlackCircleForums's Avatar
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    Aug 2011


    Also to expand:

    Disarm: Since there is no such thing as an attack of opportunity give a penalty to attack and damage or force your foe to either attack you unarmed or have to pick up his weapon, his choice.

    Called shot: I remember this being in NWN where you can hit a limb to give a penalty, but since sunder and disarm mostly covers what it did in NWN ill change the effects:
    - Arm lowers strength and/or fortitude temporarily
    - Leg lowers dexterity and/or reflex temporarily

    Dont know if enhancements should apply, i guess that can be fixed up as they get implemented (if it ever happens). Maybe change the enhancement lines to give bonuses to either offensive reducing tactical swings (trip, disarm, called shot arm) or defensive ones (sunder, stunning blow and called shot leg)

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jul 2006


    QUOTE=BlackCircleForums;4045400]I mean casters get nice debuffs becasue thats their job, cant melees get some cool abilities that dont make the casters look bad (hence why im not petitioning something like a feat chain that eventually turns crits into death effects).[/QUOTE]

    Melee already have stat damaging weapons that give temporary debuffs to every stat, to include CHR, no real reason to create a feat for it. DDO also has limbchopper as a weapon-effect on a named cleaver, check the named loot thread to ID those weapons.

    Also, caster CAN debuff, but its NOT their JOB. Whatever game you were playing that pigeon-hold classes does not really apply here.

  4. #4
    Community Member BlackCircleForums's Avatar
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    Aug 2011


    Ok disregard the caster comment then i dont really want a caster vs melee fight im just asking for more options when your playing melee.

    Having a weapon that can do it dosent necessarily mean a feat is unnecessary. What if such weapons werent widespread or easily obtainable, or did not match your build/playstyle/taste/current weapon lineup?
    Having many equipment qualities that are not covered any other way for me seems a cheap way to put melees on par with other builds and roles and/or force them down a certain path (to get and use said equipment)

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