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  1. #1
    Community Member BlackCircleForums's Avatar
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    Default Crafting Systems

    Is it just me or is the number of different crafting systems (and subsystems) a little gratuitous? If you dont know what i mean, go to the DDO Wiki, press on crafting and look at how many different kinds pop up.

    Leading to my suggestion: Roll them together. Sort of.
    Fair enough if you want to differentiate 'special' crafting from 'mundane' crafting, such as between say Greensteel as opposed to cannith crafting, but why make a different 'system' for alchemical instead of adding the alchemical to greensteel or similar high end crafting? As far as i can see its makes sense and would fit, wouldn't it? They both use special collectibles and other unique loot/ingredients so puting them together shouldnt a problem.

    So theres a few ways to do this:
    -Trapmaking, Cannith crafting and Guild crafting (or aspects thereof) get integrated into each other into one system. This becomes 'normal' crafting. This will be the one that most players will be using on a regular basis using common materials and has the levelling/difficulty system as a progress backbone, virtually identical to the current Cannith crafting.

    -Miscellaneous (adventure pack) crafting, Greensteel crafting, Dragongear crafting, Incredible potential, Alchemical and Epic get rolled together into 'High powered' crafting. These are done all at one place but still use their own ingredients or however else it is good to implement.
    NOTE: Any new high end or mod/adventure pack based crafting would likely be bundled into this kind of crafting in the future.

    -The stone of change can be one or the other really, or still be on its own.

    So really this idea is more just to clean up all the scattered crafting pacets from all the updates and packs into cohesive wholes rather than to overhaul them.

  2. #2
    Community Member Rumbaar's Avatar
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    They are separate so they can be contained in adventure packs so people are 'forced' to purchase them to acquire their benefits. This is intentional and will not change while under the current P2P model.
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  3. #3
    Community Member BlackCircleForums's Avatar
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    Then you dont get access to that aspect of crafting until you buy it then maybe.
    Dosent mean you have to separate them completely, just grey out the options and put a ddo coin there like on character creation for monk, FVS etc

    Alternitavely break them into those two groups: Full access (all the F2P crafting in one system) and Pay to access (you get access to certain parts of this system based on what you have bought).

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    you are concerned for the buracrocy of the crafting system? its ok for it is ment to be complicated.

  5. #5
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    I don't see GS, Alchemical, Epic, or the other 'special' crafting systems as true crafting. They're called that for convenience, but they're really just an weapon upgrade system, forcing us to grind mats in pay2play adventure packs. If I had it my way I'd change the names of all those systems to be more representative of what they really are.

    Crafting, to me, means learning the smithing trade corresponding to the type of gear you wish to create. Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Goldsmith (Jewelery), Tailor, etc., similar to the LotRO system. Our Cannith Crafting system would be the closest thing we have to 'real' crafting trades, but it's still doesn't really make 'sense' as an experience leveling crafting trade that a toon learns over time. I mean, how does dropping ingredients into a machine over and over and over help you learn how to make armor?

    Eh, it's what we've got... At least the BarterBox system is pretty nice. GS and Stone Of crafting should be changed to BarterBox for clarity and continuity's sake.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
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  6. #6
    Community Member BlackCircleForums's Avatar
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    Im getting the vibe that most people are meh and resigned, not happy the way it is.
    If that is the case, then forums, I am dissapoint.

    I see the forums as a way to communicate the views of a player of the game (no matter what that view happens to be), and i am voicing that i can see a lot more potential in all these complicated and scattered systems and would like to see improvement. Whether devs read this is not my concern, but i am surprised that the forums seems so 'meh' about things like this and jumping up and down about other things (probably the loud voices of a few though in my experience)
    Begone knave, you disrupt our polite conversation with your trollery!

  7. #7
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't have a problem with the two crafting systems I do: Greensteel and Cannith. I have no trouble keeping up with either, and I'd really like it if they could remain separate systems.
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  8. #8
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    they are being rolled together or havent you noticed?

    i believe the devs refer to it as the barter interface: see trap making, sora katra, canith crafting etc. i understand their planning on moving green steel in this direction at some point.
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