Looking for vibrant purple ioun stone.
Looking for vibrant purple ioun stone.
If this scroll is of use to you, i will now take offers. i most likely can use plat, lds frds large stones.
Heya Baba, I'm looking for that scroll. I have plat and LDS, plus tomes if it'll sweeten the deal. Please let me know when you get a chance.
Edit - I also have large stones
Zaviticus | Trawn | Minithra | Drislara | Gwinyth | Overdrive | Buttermylk | Karrisa | Thundyrcat
Deal fell though. first person with 5 frds or 10 lds get it.
I bet you would.
Proud member of.,.....Whats our guild name?
Seems like every time i sell one I pull another one.
I would like to trade this scroll for the helm of frost scroll AND either the charged gauntlets scroll or scorched bracers scroll. I can slightly sweeten deal to make it work.
Let me know