Hello Everyone, I would just like to make a formal post about what the DDOZonixx Youtube Channel is, so here it goes...
DDOZonnix is a fairly new YouTube Channel that I created to upload videos about DDO. Most of the videos feature Zonixx (my sorcerer) running through various quests and giving tips, tricks, and general information pertaining to the quest. I try to commentate my videos as best I can with information that I hope is helpful to those of you watching.
Recently I have been doing a video series where I upload videos of Zonixx's True Reincarnate and commentate during the video giving ways to optimize the exp/min of the quest, in addition to other things. Additionally I try to run quests that all players can complete and quests that all players can get some pretty good experience from. (However I will admit that my videos are much more optimal for leveling a Caster)
I am planning to continue uploading these videos over time (I try to upload one video a day). I have a total of 56 more True Reincarnate videos to release and am making newer videos as well; such as quest guides, epic runs, speed runs, and just general knowledge and information that may be usefull to you.
You are all welcome to check out my channel below by clicking on the link, feel free to comment both on this post or on my channel about suggestions, improvements, or just general tips on what I can do better when creating my videos (Just please keep the feedback constructive and appropriate, Thanks!). I am always open to constructive feedback. Also feel free to subscribe, like, and comment on any of my videos! (You know, all that typical YouTube stuff)
Thanks again everyone for checking out my channel, and I hope you enjoyed the videos! (And thanks everyone for the continued support, your support is what keeps me motivated to make more videos!)
Here is the Link to the DDOZonixx Youtube Channel:& Thanks for watching!