So last night I thought what wepon REALLY does the most damage
what did I do ... I started running numbers to test which does the most damage in 100 hits I tood the damage dice and instead of rolling it 100 times I maxed it 100 times and insead of rolling a d20 to figure out whether or not it crits since it is 100 hits I took the chance to hit and that is how many times it crits in 100 hits and the numbers look like this
khopesh 8x90=720 norm dmg 8x3(10)=240 crit dmg +120 dmg if a burst effect is active 1080 net dmg
Dwarven axe 10x95=950 norm dmg 10x3(5)=150 crit dmg +60 dmg if burst effect is active 1160 net dmg
Bastard Sword 10x90=900 norm dmg 10x2(10)=200 crit dmg +60 dmg if burst effect is active 1160 net dmg
all burst damage is based off of a d6