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  1. #1
    Community Member shiffd's Avatar
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    Default Leaving DDO because of setting

    I have to be honest. I never liked Eberron from the beginning.
    I ended up playing WF, and liking them well enough. But they are basically robots/cyborgs/mechs.
    DDO was a low-tech fantasy game, not steampunk.
    Eberron, especially wtih the new addition of magic wielding tinker cowboy class, is as close to steampunk as you can get without steampunk.

    I hate what wizards of the coast and Turbine has done to dungeons and dragons.

    DDO is basically as childish as WOW now, character creation is just a bit more tedius is all.

    Eberron setting is going fullout twinkey now, and the game (whihc I haven't played in a year) is lame.

    I want to play D&D, like Dragon Lance or even Forgotten Realms (which let's be honest was in many ways stepping towards what Eberron became) type setting.

    Oh well.

    D&D got hijacked by steampunks. Can't you guys make your own game, or at the very least change it to d20 Eberron Online. This game has little to do with Dungeons and Dragons. The last few raids have mostly involved fighting Giant Mechs or exploring laboratories. There are more pirates (another steampunk leaning genre from firearms era, NOT appropriate to low-tech fantasy setting material) than knights.

    Give us goblins, give us gnomes. This IS NOT D&D. The highlight of this game is Deleras tomb. I hate the idea of a gunslinger running through there making it somekinda weird western.

    If people like steampunk that is fine. It's no reason to hijack other people's genre and try to force them to play robots with you.
    Last edited by shiffd; 09-03-2011 at 02:12 AM.
    Khyber ShiffD (in jail),Poke (haggler), Duhhulk (retired), Docsensei (healer), Dorobo (wrench), Castur
    Orien Shiffd Cleric/thief/psychopath June 2010

  2. #2
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Eberron is a D&D setting, and has always been steampunk/magitechnology themed.

    The D&D default setting is but one of many.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  3. #3
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    Can I haz ur stuff?

    I here they have a NWN game now, or something.

  4. #4
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Warforged aren't unique to Eberron, they are in the MM.

  5. #5
    Community Member kuro_zero's Avatar
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    Huh. Here I was under the impression that D&D, and roleplaying in general, could be anything and everything you wanted it to be.

    You know, imagination.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mournbladereigns View Post
    Can I haz ur stuff?

    I here they have a NWN game now, or something.
    I think that's Forgotten Realms or something.

    I know it's 4E, the very mention of which is like garlic-and-vampires to many D&D players.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  7. #7
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    I never understood whats so special in FR, its just a standard fantasy setting with absolutely nothing unique there.
    It succeded because it was used EVERYWHERE.
    If you don't like setting, go to ANY other D&D game, and enjoy FR.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  8. #8
    Community Member Lyzernn's Avatar
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    Please don't compare DDO to WoW, I died a little bit inside...

  9. #9
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    Please, please don't mention celebrity-porn Forgotten realms.

    If you don't like Ebberon, leave and go worship Drizzt and Elminster, but don't whine here.

  10. #10
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Default asdf

    I sympathize with the OP, but I infer that it was a marketing decision; give them robots (warforged) and the kids will come with their parents' credit cards. Frankly though, I'm a bit tired of the FR setting too, and would have preferred Dark Sun.

    Given that this is what we have though, I think Turbine has done pretty well. I was just in a much-anticipated Beta Test of a world I've heard many predict will spell DDO's doom and while its landscaping was outstanding and its servers smooth, the characters were less attractive than mine are here (on, let's face it, dated technology) and the combat remains better, here.

    Despite my distaste for warforged, the fact that so many of us are still here speaks highly of Turbine's vision (I mean Warner Brothers').
    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu

  11. #11
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shiffd View Post
    , and the game (whihc I haven't played in a year) is lame.
    Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

  12. #12
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mithran View Post
    I sympathize with the OP, but I infer that it was a marketing decision; give them robots (warforged) and the kids will come with their parents' credit cards. Frankly though, I'm a bit tired of the FR setting too, and would have preferred Dark Sun.

    Given that this is what we have though, I think Turbine has done pretty well. I was just in a much-anticipated Beta Test of a world I've heard many predict will spell DDO's doom and while its landscaping was outstanding and its servers smooth, the characters were less attractive than mine are here (on, let's face it, dated technology) and the combat remains better, here.

    Despite my distaste for warforged, the fact that so many of us are still here speaks highly of Turbine's vision (I mean Warner Brothers').
    I think it had more to do with obeying the licensing agreement they had with WotC.

  13. #13
    Community Member kuro_zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mithran View Post
    I sympathize with the OP, but I infer that it was a marketing decision; give them robots (warforged) and the kids will come with their parents' credit cards.
    Nopr. I imagine that was the marketing desicion when they wemt F2P and made WF a premium race.

    When Turbine first got the DnD liscence, WotC just finished a fan-created campaign world contest which Eberron came from. To help market/popularize it, they stipulated Turbine's MMO needed to be based on this new campaign world.

    I was a bit disappointed with it at first, but in hind-sight I think it gave Turbine much more lattitude to make a great game without having to worry about lore, cannon story, and nit-picking fans. Or worry about monstrous NPCs meddling in everything.
    Officer of Disciples of the Apocalypse on Sarlona
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  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by shiffd View Post
    I have to be honest. I never liked Eberron from the beginning.
    I ended up playing WF, and liking them well enough. But they are basically robots/cyborgs/mechs.
    DDO was a low-tech fantasy game, not steampunk.
    Eberron, especially wtih the new addition of magic wielding tinker cowboy class, is as close to steampunk as you can get without steampunk.

    I hate what wizards of the coast and Turbine has done to dungeons and dragons.

    DDO is basically as childish as WOW now, character creation is just a bit more tedius is all.

    Eberron setting is going fullout twinkey now, and the game (whihc I haven't played in a year) is lame.

    I want to play D&D, like Dragon Lance or even Forgotten Realms (which let's be honest was in many ways stepping towards what Eberron became) type setting.

    Oh well.

    D&D got hijacked by steampunks. Can't you guys make your own game, or at the very least change it to d20 Eberron Online. This game has little to do with Dungeons and Dragons. The last few raids have mostly involved fighting Giant Mechs or exploring laboratories. There are more pirates (another steampunk leaning genre from firearms era, NOT appropriate to low-tech fantasy setting material) than knights.

    Give us goblins, give us gnomes. This IS NOT D&D. The highlight of this game is Deleras tomb. I hate the idea of a gunslinger running through there making it somekinda weird western.

    If people like steampunk that is fine. It's no reason to hijack other people's genre and try to force them to play robots with you.
    Warforged = Living wood wrapped in armor = TREANT wearing platemail = NOT STEAM PUNK

    Magical Arm cannons = MAGIC = Not Steam Punk

    Eberron is a HIGH magic campain setting, and most of the stuff in it that you are attributing to "Technology" is nothing more then the next logical step for a society in a world where magic is everywhere.

    Where in Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance a town needed a street lamp, they would use oil buring torches; In eberron a wizard casts permanancy on the light spell on a rock.

    Where in Forgtotten Realms and Dragonlance you need a horse drawn carriage on wheels; in eberron a wizards casts tensfers floating disc, makes in permanent, and binds it to a "Frame" and then uses controlled "gust of wind" spells to propel it.

    So on and so forth.

    Stop being a closed minded individual and SEE the magic for what it is.

  15. #15
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    Got to agree a little. Dungeon & Dragons Online has become very cartoonish in design.

    Once you add the huge grind they said this game wouldn't become and the very lazy Turbine development updates. I wouldn't be surprised to see more leave for this or similar reasons.

    Its time for Turbine to be creative, i don't want cut and paste quests which i have to run hundreds of times on a random chance
    Last edited by Seftonblake; 09-03-2011 at 02:46 AM.

  16. #16
    Community Member maha0201's Avatar
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    So this is a problem, and when they had marketing for:
    " You need to be ninja so you can fight better with zombie/pirates " ?
    You said ok ?
    Thelanis, Playing since 2009
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  17. #17
    Community Member Ookami_Tez's Avatar
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    You do know that Eberron is not Steampunk? Or have you seen any steam working technology or clockworks around DDO?

    The term I like to use is Arcanepunk, like cyber- and steampunk explain their technobable with cybergenetics and steam Eberron explains things trough Arcane Magic. I actully think it is hell of a realistic look into world with magic. I mean really if you could improve your life by a mundane use of magic why would you not? Normal DnD means only kind of spells that are in the game system are all adventuring and combat oriented. Which kind of makes sense and kind of doesn't.

    I will give an expamle. Lightning Rail (those not familiar with the actual setting might not know of this but it is simply a train powered by air elementals and magic) was invented cause the nations of Khorvaire (the northen continent from Xen 'Drik) needed a fast and practical way of moving people, wargear and such all around the continent. Thus the House Cannith and House Orien started to work on the Lightning rail which is probably the most practical way of moving around Khorvaire. This is one of the best examples of how this is not steampunk. In a steampunk setting they probably had little odd looking normal trains doing this but in a Arcanepunk it is powered by magic.

    Also being high magic fantasy there are other uses for magic too like how about a quite cheap magic item that allows Unseen servant to be cast 1/day. How many little wealthier businessmen would love to have that? In Eberron that would be nothing out of ordinary in more civilised reaches of the world.

    Also as said before Forgotten Relms has become little bit of a norm so I don't find it too intresting anymore. Krynn also has a problem as the story of that relm has already being played by the orginal players of Hickmans gaming group. Though one thing I would like to see after so much time is Grayhawk DnD game. Not after Temple of Elemental Evil have I seen one so would be nice to see the original DnD game coming out some time.

    But yeah arcanepunk isn't fit for everyone but don't go calling it steampunk as it has nothing to do with it. Thank you. Rant off.

  18. #18
    Community Member Dawnsfire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shiffd View Post
    I have to be honest. I never liked Eberron from the beginning.
    I ended up playing WF, and liking them well enough. But they are basically robots/cyborgs/mechs.
    DDO was a low-tech fantasy game, not steampunk.
    Eberron, especially wtih the new addition of magic wielding tinker cowboy class, is as close to steampunk as you can get without steampunk.

    I hate what wizards of the coast and Turbine has done to dungeons and dragons.

    DDO is basically as childish as WOW now, character creation is just a bit more tedius is all.

    Eberron setting is going fullout twinkey now, and the game (whihc I haven't played in a year) is lame.

    I want to play D&D, like Dragon Lance or even Forgotten Realms (which let's be honest was in many ways stepping towards what Eberron became) type setting.

    Oh well.

    D&D got hijacked by steampunks. Can't you guys make your own game, or at the very least change it to d20 Eberron Online. This game has little to do with Dungeons and Dragons. The last few raids have mostly involved fighting Giant Mechs or exploring laboratories. There are more pirates (another steampunk leaning genre from firearms era, NOT appropriate to low-tech fantasy setting material) than knights.

    Give us goblins, give us gnomes. This IS NOT D&D. The highlight of this game is Deleras tomb. I hate the idea of a gunslinger running through there making it somekinda weird western.

    If people like steampunk that is fine. It's no reason to hijack other people's genre and try to force them to play robots with you.
    Good luck finding that perfect D&D MMO. Maybe Atari can make you one. I hear they rock at that type of stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    I’m only nerfing you now so I can buff you later.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ookami_Tez View Post
    I will give an expamle. Lightning Rail (those not familiar with the actual setting might not know of this but it is simply a train powered by air elementals and magic) was invented cause the nations of Khorvaire (the northen continent from Xen 'Drik) needed a fast and practical way of moving people, wargear and such all around the continent. Thus the House Cannith and House Orien started to work on the Lightning rail which is probably the most practical way of moving around Khorvaire. This is one of the best examples of how this is not steampunk. In a steampunk setting they probably had little odd looking normal trains doing this but in a Arcanepunk it is powered by magic.
    Actually, IMO, this is the place where Eberron went for kinda lame solution.

    Problem: We need transport system in a setting that has high magi-tech.

    Solution? They use trains.

    I mean, trains? They could've been much more creative here - off the top of my head, they could use, say, Phase ships that sail through ethereal plane; and faster Shadow ships that sail through Plane of Shadow (which is more dangerous). They could use telegraph-like* transportation in from of beam of light/cloud of matter (or hey, matter in sate of plasma) moving at high speed/capsules that are bounced along pre-determined path. And my ideas are lame... there are certanly better out there. And they settled on boring trains and airships.

    *I mean, original real-life telegraph, that used towers and light signals.

    EDIT: Oh, I can't miss oportunity to link OotS:

  20. #20
    Community Member sacredguyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kuro_zero View Post
    I was a bit disappointed with it at first, but in hind-sight I think it gave Turbine much more lattitude to make a great game without having to worry about lore, cannon story, and nit-picking fans. Or worry about monstrous NPCs meddling in everything.
    And this is why I'm not too fond of Forgotten Realms (despite the fact that the DM who got me into D&D played it exclusively).

    Think this sums it up:
    Quote Originally Posted by macubrae View Post
    A Dwarf's beard should be thick, strong and long enough to tuck under your belt (to keep kobolds from swinging on it and giants from swinging us by them).

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