OK, this is less about the build's stats and more about my direction.
1. Human Rogue - about to make 12th lvl
2. Currently Mechanic I, but I have TWF, OTWF, and ITWF as well.
3. Torn on whether to stay Mech or go Assassin at 12th
Basically, I went Mech at 6th because at the time it seemed like a good call for a low lvl rogue. As I approach 12th I'm thinking of switching to Assassin because I find that pew pew - even with sneak damage - just doesn't drop mobs fast enough.
So I'm thinking of switching. So I have two questions that are somewhat at odds with each other.
1. If I switch I would respec a feat to get either Khopesh or Picks. Which is "better"? Or do I burn a feat and take both?
2. If I stay Mech, does the pew pew get better for a rogue?
Please note two things in your replies; 1) I spelled Rogue correctly, and 2) I'm not really thinking end-game epic content right now.