So I've ran about 8-11 epics but it only ever showed 1 in my large ingredieants bag. I thought it was odd but maybe they were somewhere else.
After a comprehensive search I only found one. I reported it to the GM they said its not a known bug. I was like erm ok THANKS.
I went to convert my epic dungeon fragments into Tokens and it did somthing weird in my bags when it was set on auto loot
At this point it was listing that I had 8 but only 1 was bound to account. The one original THE MONSTER that would not allow me to get any others. I was perplexed so I took them all apart and recombined them into the 8 and then 8 were bound to account I thought maybe this fixed the bug. I ran an epic trasks arena . Looted the coin it gave me the happy message this coin is now in your large ingredients bag. I went to look .. BUT NOOOO only 8 were there. I reported it again to a gm this time got a actual gm to speak with me. Attempted to show him how it displays oddly in my bank by converting 100 + fragments into another token again it said 9 Epic Dungeon Tokens (8 bound to account) He had me take them out of my bag .. and he said nope everything is displaying correctly. I said no its not. If it WAS displaying correctly I would had 10 epic dungeon tokens 8 from before 1 from thrasks and 1 from combining the tokens.
Basically I just want to know what I should do? Should I just destroy the 9 I have in hopes that starting over will get rid of the bug or should I keep them out of my ingredients bag all together?
Sadly I should at this point have about 17 epic dungeon tokens But its my own fault for not reporting it in the begining. I'd just like a solution destroy them? keep them out of my bags?
I'm not super annoyed that I dont have them I'm not asking for them back but I would enjoy getting some in the end chest rather then having to scrouge for fragments forever.