Hi everyone. First time posting here.
I have a level 13 caster cleric and I am not sure I want to continue leveling her up. I have a couple of friends I usually group with and that tends to go fairly well. But when they are not on and I can't find a decent group(this is more common), I feel pretty gimpy soloing. I had made a battle cleric (19/1 fighter splash), but abandoned it because of the stigma associated to them when trying to group as healer.
I got blade barrier a couple levels ago and while I see that its a great spell against melee guys that will chase you around while you kite, it doesn't seem too effective against ranged mobs(casters and archers). Am I missing something? Do i need to line of sight them or use something else. It seems expensive to use divine punishment or death spells to handle the non melee guys. On these forums I have read people saying things like "BB makes quests trivial", but i don't really get it. Maybe its just different for an evoker cleric.
I have been thinking of just buying the FvS class(only at 1100 favor) and trying that out. If I did a caster FvS would my experience be about the same? Would I be more capable of soloing? If I do a more melee focused build(suggestions) what do I loose besides DC on crowd control and death spells? Would it effect BB and DP much? Should I wait until I unlock 32pt builds?