HUMAN 16 Arty/2Monk/2Ftr
Stats: 36 point
[+7] (+2 tome, +2 guild, +2 rage, +6 encrusted ring, +3 profane, +1 ex encrusted) = 25
DEX 17
[+11] (+2 tome, +2 guild, +7 spectral gloves, +1 lit of dead, +3 Ex AA set) = 32
CON 14
[+11] (+2 tome, +2 guild, +2 rage, +7 envenomed cloak, +1 lit of dead, +3 ex encrusted ring/boots of corrosion, +1 human) = 32
INT 18
[+16] (+2 tome, +2 guild, +5 levelups, +7 Diabolist robe, +1 lit of dead, +3 ex Tovens hammer/diabolist, +4 human/arty) = 42
[+4] (+2 tome, +2 guild, +1 lit of dead, +6 Conc opp) = 19
[+4] (+2 tome, +2 guild, +1 lit of dead, +6 Epic Mask of comedy) = 19
Feats : {Monk} : (Fighter) : @Artificer@ : ^Human^ :
1* Point Blank Shot, @Rapid Reload@, @Exotic Weapon Xbows@, ^Least Dragonmark of Making^
2 {Toughness}
3* Rapid Shot
5 @Construct essence@
6* Empower Spell
9* Augment Summon {Lightning Reflexes} {Evasion}
10 @Lesser Dragonmark of Making@
12* Quickdraw (Imp Crit Ranged)
15* Precise shot (Imp precise shot)
16 @Quicken Spell@
18* Maximise Spell
20 @Greater Dragonmark of Making@
ART 1 {36} Tumble 2(4), Jump 2(4), Open lock 4, Disable device 4, Search 4, Spot 4, UMD 4, Repair 4, Haggle 4
MNK 2 {9} Balance 5, Move silent 2, Hide 2
ART 3 {9} Disable device, Search 2, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1(2)
ART 4 {9} Disable device 2, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1(2)
ART 5 {9} Disable device, Search, Spot 2, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1(2)
ART 6 {9} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD 2, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1(2)
ART 7 {9} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1.5(3)
ART 8 {11} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1.5(3), Balance 1(2)
MNK 9 {11} Balance 6, Move silent 3, Hide 2
ART 10 {11} Disable device 2, Search, Spot 2, UMD 2, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1(2),
ART 11 {11} Disable device, Search 2, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1(2), Balance 1(2)
FTR 12 {9} Disable device 1(2), Search 1(2), Spot 1(2), UMD 1(2), Balance .5(1)
ART 13 {11} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 2(4), Hide 1(2), Balance .5(1)
ART 14 {11} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 2(4), Balance .5(1)
FTR 15 {9} Disable device 1(2), Search 1(2), Spot 1(2), UMD 1(2), Balance .5(1)
ART 16 {12} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 2(4), Hide 1(2), Balance 1(2)
ART 17 {12} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 2(4), Balance 1(2)
ART 18 {12} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1(2), Balance 2(4)
ART 19 {12} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1(2), Balance 2(4)
ART 20 {12} Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent 1(2), Hide 1(2), Balance 2(4)
MAX: Disable device, Search, Spot, UMD, Move silent, Hide, Balance. Open lock/Repair/Haggle @4 ranks. Jump/Tumble @2 ranks.
UMD: 23ranks+4cha+4gh+2good luck+3 store rabbit hat+6greensteel+2artificer+5actionboost =
49 (15% fail lvl 9 spells)
Balance/Hide/Movesilent: 23ranks+11dex+4gh+6greensteel+2good luck+15item =
Disable/Search: 23ranks+16int+4gh+5greensteel+2good luck+15item =
65 (73-92 disable with +5tools)
Spot: 23ranks+4wis+4gh+5greensteel+2good luck+15item =
Openlock: 4ranks+11dex+4gh+6greensteel+2good luck+15item =
48-67 with +5 tools
All trapskills are 2 higher if arty action boost is avail (Save versatility boost for damage/umd)
Hit points:
20 base
10 draconic vitality
30 greater false life(belt)
45 shroud hp helm
20 item toughness
22 toughness
10 fighter toughness I
20 racial toughness II
220 con
20 fighter
16 monk
96 artificer
10 battle engineer
Spell points:
600 base
80 magical training
401 intelligence
200 archmagi(skiver before buffing or archmage belt)
150 shroud
1431 + bauble, archivists, talisman, ssr = 2k+
5 resistance epic envenomed cloak
1 alchemical
4 gh
2 good luck
3 monk
3/0/0 fighter
5/5/10 arty
11/11/4 stats
0/1/1 rage and haste
0/2/0 lightning reflexes
34 fort/34 reflex/30 will
For traps:
+4 insight (superior parry item swap-in)
+2 saves vs traps (rogue past life)
+1 Way of monkey
41 Ref for traps
To hit:
20 bab(divine power)
4 greater heroism
1 haste
5 weapon
11 dexterity
2 arcane archer necklace
2 Epic spectral gloves
2 battle engineer
2 crossbow attack
2 howling bracers
1 litany of the dead
2 Battle skill craft
5 Sneak attack
-4 Kiting thru BB
2d8 (9)base greensteel heavy repeater lightning II
2d8 (9)point blank shot
2d6 (7)holy
1d6 (3.5)shocking
4d4 (10)electrical IV tovens hammer
16 intelligence(insightful damage)
5 weapon enhancement
2 battle engineer enhancement
2 crossbow damage
1 howling bracers
2 good hope(epic mask of comedy 9 minutes 3/day)
2 berserker set
1 litany of the dead
12 lightning strike
8 sneak tharnes
1 sneak (rog past life)
90.5 avg per hit before
Shocking blast
Shrieking bolt
+25% Human damage boost
+10% firing speed from AA set
+15% firing speed Fighter haste boost
+ Rune arm offhand damage steadily pumping
necklace/ring1: Arcane Archer set +2 dex
belt/ring2: berserker set +2con
rune arm: tovens hammer with +2 int and transform kinetic
helm: greensteel concordant opp/sp/+5int skills helm (sp/recharge/regen/trapgear), greensteel 3xair hp/dex skills (stealth/haste), epic mask of comedy
trinket: litany of the dead
bracers: wind howling
goggles: Tharnes / Disable+15
cloak: epic envenomed with toughness
robe: epic diabolists with +1 intelligence and heavy fort
boots: epic corrosion with good luck and +1 con
gloves: greensteel 3xpos sp/cha skills (umd/SP/raise dead), epic charged gauntlets with spell focus evocation (casting), or epic spectral gloves (repeater)
Misc: LitII RxHvy, E Hellfire RxHvy, Skiver/sup parry item.
12 Arty int III
10 Human versatility IV
10 wand mastery IV
7 Force manipulation VII
6 Human Imp recovery II
6 Human con I/int I
4 Battle Engineer
4 Xbow damage
3 Arty damage boost II
3 Xbow attack
3 Racial toughness II
2 Rune arm overcharge I
2 Extra action boost I
1 Deadly kinetics I
1 Kinetic spellcasting I
1 Repair manipulation I
1 Extra dragonmark use I
1 Fighter toughness I
1 Fighter haste boost I
1 Way of monkey
1 Artificer skill boost I
Pet: lvl 16 (32 AP) Designed to dps in background with only occasional heals
6 Dex II
5 Adamantium plating IV
5 Reinforced Armor IV
4 Distraction III
4 Danger avoidance III
2 Ruthless deception I
2 Evasion I
2 Skillful deception I
2 Takedown I
DT docent, or E blademark docent, alchemical module(wraps)