I've seen a Shard of the Dustless Boots (already got my Seal) rot in the chest because while the Shard was accidentally passed to me, I wasn't the highest roller.
After telling the highest roller to not recall, I transferred the Shard to them in the chest. Just in time to hear him say "Oh, I'm already out".
I don't regret adhering to the wishes of the original puller, not in the slightest.
However, if someone leaves loot in the chest just because they want to push people's buttons, I probably won't run with them again (if I bother to remember their name). For the same reason that I don't run with people who are rude, arrogant, or combative... I don't enjoy running with dbags. 'Cept you, Samius
Now if someone left loot in the chest because the group was being nasty to them? I'll applaud them and defend their right to do so vocally in the group.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
I'll do that too most times after I ask once or twice and no one responds.
Usually someone who is newer and might be more likely to need an item is intently searching the bottom of the chest looking for any raid loot he might have missed, so he isn't paying attention the first few times you ask if anyone needs it.
Eventually he's going to notice, but I don't feel like waiting for him to start paying attention, so I just aim it at a random player in the group whose class is likely to use it. They can keep it or roll it off if they don't want it.
Naw, when I go into a raid, I know exactly what I want, I'm usually the first person recalling or slashing death. So once I see its not what I want, its passed. But yeah I can see how it could cause problems if someone who I passed it to didn't recheck or autolooted already.
I just really think one of the biggest wastes of time is 1. Asking the group who needs, then it takes them minutes and minutes to decide. 2. Once people roll it takes more minutes and minutes to roll. 3. Listening to the stragglers rolling and saying they would like after more and more minutes and minutes of waiting.
Now in this time we've waited we could have possibly been halfway done with another raid, or nearly through with an epic. Or I could do what I see others doing just simply loot it to sell, or even go the route of claiming its for a TR I might do in 10 or so years. Passing it is simply the easiest way for me. Remember, I don't like hard decisions.
@Dexxaan I was in a von when the boots dropped with 10 other guildies and our drunk guildie gave it to the pug.![]()
Last edited by mudfud; 09-01-2011 at 06:16 PM.
Ok I'm sick of any time anyone brings up a loot issue a billion people have to hop on and say your loot is your loot.
There's a difference between what you can do and what you should do, so stop posting about technical **** like that. A lot of what you CAN do makes you a giant jerk, and leaving behind raid loot seems like a big one. If any of that **** happened on orien I'd want to know who so I don't let them in any of my raids or join one with them in it.
People have too much condescending time on their snobby hands to come on the forums and argue with people for not using the correct definition of a word. We get it, you think you're smart.
I think the majority of players would agree that someone leaving a good item in a chest on purpose is sucky. They just don't post on the forums much. Sometimes people just want to vent and it's pretty annoying to post an issue you know most people would agree with you on, and have your thread bogged down by jerks who want to pick apart sentence structure and precise definitions.
Man i'm going to come back to sarlona just so I can do this, does serg still play?
Khyber: Tachikoma - Minniee - Oneesan - Ibuqi - Muddii -Tachee - Oneechan
The Guardians of Golden Gold, because guarding golden gold is serious business
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
Because when I judge people on a moral level, I make sure to include how they deal with the raid loot, they received, in an online game...
Some of us know it.We get it, you think you're smart.
Sucky, yes. Worth ranting about on a forum where the same type of thread spawns about twice a week, if not more, and demanding that people hand over the loot they received to others that they are not going to use or be labeled the Hitlers of DDO, is downright juvenile.I think the majority of players would agree that someone leaving a good item in a chest on purpose is sucky.
Nyess Malwyss Daireann Tylesia Shideh
I've seen it happen maybe half a dozen times with newer players over the last couple of weeks. I see it as a starting trend that I don't want to become common place.
And your right you obviously don't group with me and you weren't there, so to think that I did something to incur this is way out of line. Not to mention it was only once that is was something I actually wanted. However other people in the groups did want whatever was left. Never did I say it was things I wanted, just that things were left that were wanted.
Who would of thought it was too much to ask from this community for simple politeness... guess I should of.
WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.Hellbound Angels - Hellspewn, Hellsscion, Hellstryke, Hellsmonster, Hellsnsanity, Cowboyup, Wiskie, Theralt
He could and probably did tell me, I wouldn't care enough about a pug to take note of the name.
I've personally found the easiest way to avoid loot drama's is to take what i want, or trust that my friends / guildies have let me know their desires in advance. If I / they don't want it it probably ends up left in the chest or quickly passed to who ever had the * so i don't have to deal with /rolls
ps. it is my loot and it is my choice and the above is what i'll do with it, occasionally i'll feel generous and be patient, but in a pug expect nothing.
One guy I raided with looted something and put it up for "Sale".
When no one was willing to pay for it, he/she left it in the chest and left the instance.
Ticks me off even though I didn't need that piece of loot.
If I don't need it, it's up for roll/request. If the request doesn't come in soon enough it's vendor trash. I've never intentionally left anything in a chest, I did miss pass a tod ring, and once had a tod ring passed to me after recalling (which is why i now leave raids after recalling for the most part).
Normally I observe all the "My loot. my rules" threads with a sad sense of detachment that people can not simply work together very much like I view a BBC story about another dysfunctional country in Africa, Central Asia or the Middle East.
I Understand the rational behind your thinking, albeit I disagree, however I digress. It is your loot, if you wanna give it to a friend, a guildie, sell it, auction it, knock yourself out. I would never do such a thing myself but it IS your loot for better or for worse.
But to deliberately leave in a chest to vanish?
Now I can only imagine that people that do this are seasoned vets that have no use for it in any way shape or fashion. Good on ya guys! But to not allow newer people the opportunity to get that same loot that you were once given that courtesy to roll on can only suggest two things in my mind.
Either A, you don't wish new players to have the opportunity to maybe. just maybe catch up with you on the power curve, keep those kids down, wouldn't want to make us 2006'ers look bad one day.
Or B. You're a jacka** If someone said they wanted the item and you recalled out anyway, really, how hard is it to pass an item.
Your loot, your rules, fine....sigh. But what's wrong with helping someone else?