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  1. #1
    Community Member gloopygloop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default WTS +4 Holy [metal type] of Evil Outsider Bane weapons just 150k plat

    I've been throwing most of what I loot into the Cannith crafting altars, so I no longer have any plat. That means it's time to try to make at least a little money on Cannith crafting in order to support my habit and continue to level slowly before U11 drops.

    To that end, I am selling +4 Holy [Silver or Cold Iron] of Evil Outsider Bane weapons.

    I'm asking 150k for the shards if you want to put the shards on your own weapon or 150k + AH prices for your choice of Silver/Cold Iron weapon if you want me to do all of the assembly for you.

    +4: 30 Greater Arcane essences + 80 Lesser Arcane Essences
    Holy: 45 Greater Good essences + 80 Lesser Good essences + 3 Glittering Dusts
    Evil Outsider Bane: 30 Greater Good essences + 32 Lesser Good essences + 1 Medium Devil Scale

    That's between 50k and 60k worth of essences alone + the Medium Scale

    Edit: The weapon will be ML 15 if anyone is curious. If you want a similar weapon that is ML 13, I would be happy to make a +3 version instead, but ML15 is just in time for the Vale of Twilight, so I think that +4 makes the most sense.
    Last edited by gloopygloop; 09-01-2011 at 12:39 PM.

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