**UPDATE** Pale Lavender Stone acquired... just looking for the Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone now.
WTB: Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
I have for trade:
Bejeweled Letter Opener
Bow of the Elements (Air)
Bracers of the Hunter x2
Chimera's Crown x2
Collapsable Shortbow
Charged Gauntlets
Deneith Heavy Chain
Dynastic Falcata
Docent of the Diabolist
Dustless Boots
Elyd Edge
Gem of Many Facets
Hyena Claw Necklace
Hammer of Life
Hellfire Crossbow
Hellstroke Greataxe
Ring of Baphomet
Robe of the Diabolist
Staff of Inner Sight
Staff of Nat Gann
Tourney Armor
Timeblade x2
Utility Vest
Unkoor's Cleaver x2
Vulkoorim Dervish Robe x2
Vulkoorim Pendant x4
Vambraces of Inner Light
Wolf Whistle
Ward of Undeath x4
Zephyr x2
All Larges
Any Greensteel Blank you want
Please PM me with an offer for trade. Thanks!