I'd like to know what my crafting level will be after U11. Does anyone have a crafting XP table to show what XP is required for each level yet?
I'd like to know what my crafting level will be after U11. Does anyone have a crafting XP table to show what XP is required for each level yet?
I'm still busy with stuff but this one's a quickie. The crafting XP per level will be something like:
The current XP is based on what's on ddowiki.com. The green entries are actual data from Lamannia, the rest is interpolation/extrapolation (it's just a regular parabola). The new XP is around 70-75% of the current XP for each level. This means that level-wise, you'll get around a 15% boost to your craft XP level with the update. Some sample levels are below:Code:Level Current New 1 0 2 12 3 27 4 44 5 64 6 86 7 111 8 138 9 168 10 200 11 235 12 276 13 324 14 379 15 442 16 513 17 593 18 682 19 781 20 890 21 1010 22 1141 23 1284 24 1439 25 1607 26 1788 27 1983 28 2192 29 2416 30 2655 31 2910 32 3181 33 3469 34 3774 35 4097 36 4438 37 4798 38 5176 39 5548 40 5938 41 6348 42 6748 43 7168 44 7598 45 8038 46 8488 47 8948 48 9418 49 9898 50 10388 51 10888 52 11398 53 11918 54 12448 55 12988 56 13538 57 14098 58 14668 59 15248 10948 60 15838 11390 61 16438 11840 62 17048 12297 63 17668 12762 64 18298 13234 65 18938 13714 66 19588 14201 67 20248 14696 68 20918 15198 69 21598 15708 70 22288 16225 71 22988 16750 72 23698 17282 73 24418 17822 74 25148 18369 75 25888 18924 76 26638 19486 77 27398 20056 78 28168 20633 79 28948 21218 80 29738 21810 81 30538 22410 82 31348 23017 83 32168 23632 84 32998 24254 85 33838 24884 86 34688 25521 87 35548 26166 88 36418 26818 89 37298 27478 90 38188 28145 91 39088 28820 92 39998 29502 93 40918 30192 94 41848 30889 95 42788 31594 96 43738 32306 97 44698 33026 98 45668 33753 99 46648 34488 100 47638 35230 101 48638 35980 102 49648 36737 103 50668 37502 104 51698 38274 105 52738 39054 106 53788 39841 107 54848 40636 108 55918 41438 109 56998 42248 110 58088 43065 111 59188 43890 112 60298 44722 113 61418 45562 114 62548 46409 115 63688 47264 116 64838 48126 117 65998 48996 118 67168 49873 119 68348 50758 120 69538 51650 121 70738 52550 122 71948 53457 123 73168 54372 124 74398 55294 125 75638 56224 126 76888 57161 127 78148 58106 128 79418 59058 129 80698 60018 130 81988 60985 131 83288 61960 132 84598 62942 133 85918 63932 134 87248 64929 135 88588 65934 136 89938 66946 137 91298 67966 138 92668 68993 139 94048 70028 140 95438 71070 141 96838 72120 142 98248 73177 143 99668 74242 144 101098 75314 145 102538 76394 146 103988 77481 147 105448 78576 148 106918 79678 149 108398 80788 150 109888 81905
As always since this is interpolation/extrapolation, I'd encourage people on Lam to check their XP values against the first chart to verify it. And yeah, to a certain extent we won't really know until it goes live.Code:Levels on live and Lamannia current new 60 69 70 80 80 92 90 103 100 115 110 127 120 138 125 144
Thank you thank you thank you!
This is exactly what i was looking for.
If you are an upper level crafter, logic says level now before the update (I'm at 112/106/112 right now and plan to get all of them to 115 if at all possible - the bump will take me to 133, leaving a very small number of shards for crafting xp after that point).
The boost to crafting levels is AWESOME but it will also catapult you past many good xp shards.
A lot of folks will stall out for awhile after this update due to the low number of upper level craftable shards and high cost of those shards.
Last edited by BoBo2020; 09-06-2011 at 12:17 PM.
What is the advantage to craft now rather than after the update? Are they lowering the exp needed for a level but upping the number of mats needed for shards?
I hope this isn't one of these trade off things that benefit the folks that have already grinded alot and further increases the difficulty for casual to moderate players.
D'oh! the number of mats needed for higher lvl shards is greater than the shards i could make for exp now at less cost... I hope it is not anything more than that.
+1 for the data, thanks.
Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
Teach a man to fish, and he'll leave to find somebody who'll just give him a fish.
Beat him unconscious with the fish, and it's comedy.
Very good extrapolation you've got there.
Here's the complete crafting XP chart:
Code:Level XP For Level 1 0 2 12 3 26 4 41 5 58 6 76 7 96 8 117 9 140 10 164 11 190 12 220 13 254 14 293 15 337 16 387 17 443 18 505 19 573 20 648 21 730 22 819 23 915 24 1019 25 1131 26 1252 27 1382 28 1521 29 1669 30 1827 31 1995 32 2173 33 2361 34 2560 35 2770 36 2992 37 3226 38 3472 39 3730 40 4001 41 4285 42 4582 43 4892 44 5214 45 5544 46 5881 47 6226 48 6578 49 6938 50 7305 51 7680 52 8062 53 8452 54 8849 55 9254 56 9666 57 10086 58 10513 59 10948 60 11390 61 11840 62 12297 63 12762 64 13234 65 13714 66 14201 67 14696 68 15198 69 15708 70 16225 71 16750 72 17282 73 17822 74 18369 75 18924 76 19486 77 20056 78 20633 79 21218 80 21810 81 22410 82 23017 83 23632 84 24254 85 24884 86 25521 87 26166 88 26818 89 27478 90 28145 91 28820 92 29502 93 30192 94 30889 95 31594 96 32306 97 33026 98 33753 99 34488 100 35230 101 35980 102 36737 103 37502 104 38274 105 39054 106 39841 107 40636 108 41438 109 42248 110 43065 111 43890 112 44722 113 45562 114 46409 115 47264 116 48126 117 48996 118 49873 119 50758 120 51650 121 52550 122 53457 123 54372 124 55294 125 56224 126 57161 127 58106 128 59058 129 60018 130 60985 131 61960 132 62942 133 63932 134 64929 135 65934 136 66946 137 67966 138 68993 139 70028 140 71070 141 72120 142 73177 143 74242 144 75314 145 76394 146 77481 147 78576 148 79678 149 80788 150 81905
So basically, instead of 10 level-appropriate shards per level up, we now require 7. I approve.
Wonder how long it will be until Greater Essences start sharply dropping in price as wealthier players get their crafter to the levels that they can craft almost everything they want, and so demand falls?
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.
Well I think "Price" here is subjective.
First, we're going to have Price Per Server.
Second, we're going to have Price of AH.
Third, we're going to have Price of Crafter just getting into Greaters.
Fourth, we're going to have Price of what a Crafter will pay after realizing he can't shell out 500 plat per greater, when some formulas take 45+ Greaters per shard. Even at 7 Shards per level, that plat adds up.
There's a lot of perspectives Greater prices can be seen from. I see people posting Greaters on Sarlona AH for 1k each - and they sit there, until they expire. Doesn't mean it's "the price of Greaters", it just means people think too highly of their loot. Like LDS sitting on the AH at 700k.