Silver with Augment Slot
+1 crippling silver light hammer (medium augment slot)
+1 holy burst silver heavy mace of shatter +8 (medium augment slot)
silver heavy pick (medium augment slot)
+3 silver long sword (medium augment slot)
+2 holy silver scimitar of disruption (small augment slot)
Silver with Festival Frost/Burst
+3 holy silver heavy mace of stunning +8 (festival icy burst)
+1 silver dwarven axe of pure good (festival icy burst)
+1 holy silver dwarven axe of pure good (festival icy burst)
+4 holy silver dwarven axe of pure good (festival icy burst)
+1 vorpal silver dwarven axe (festival frost)
+3 anarchic silver scimitar of pure good
+1 holy silver bastard sword of pure good
+3 holy silver bastard sword of pure good
+2 holy silver battleaxe of pure good
+2 holy burst silver dwarven axe of pure good
+2 holy silver morningstar of shatter +8
+3 holy silver sickle of shatter +6
Send PM or contact Sotheby in game...thanks!