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I support a reworking/buffing of melee. What you want to do is drastically change the way casting classes work when relative to each other, they are mostly fine (bards could probably use some love). Its important to note that for most of the classes whos dcs you want to boost, they dont really require high dcs for their effective spells, at least not high compared to what is needed for wizards, the 'high dc' class.
Also, as others have said, giving the dots a save would make the damage highly erratic, and would probably still have the same people complaining that casters 'do too much damage' because good casters will get the high dcs needed for them. A change in how the damage is calculated is needed (it is also much simpler and easier to calculate the impact of). Unless ofc if we are going to have a change to melee's to make their damage unreliable, since the classes need to be 'balanced'. And no, please dont tell me thats what AC is for, because there should only be a few cases currently where boss/monster AC is high enough to create a large impact.