Dungeon alert is not broken. You may not like it, but that does not mean it's broken. The devs like DA and it's working as intended (in most cases), you are supposed to be heavily slowed down and imobilized.
With that said we can clearly see that wings are broken becuase they allow you "to move with dungeon alert".
Here is more good arguments for why wings are OP/broken: For being aganst the change you are doing a pretty good job of convincing people that the change is good.
Last edited by Aaxeyu; 09-05-2011 at 10:09 AM.
I have said it before i will say it again. Wings are not what is op what is op is the dots they are to powerful that is why there precious raid got broken not the wings the dots and aov. Address the real issue if you are the concerned about balance devs.
There really is nothing wrong with the wings as they are right now honestly. and for the record if they do this i really am done healing any of you and turbine really does not get another red cent form me.
Last edited by dragon2fire; 09-05-2011 at 12:11 PM.
This discussion is reminding me of a parallel in employment. In my experience, there are two kinds of workplaces: those that prioritize getting things done vs those that prioritize how you spend your time. Correspondingly, there are people that are happier in one or the other of those environments. I'm seeing that come out in this discussion.
I'm objective-oriented and self-employed. I like to get my workload done, then knock off for the afternoon. Conversely, I absolutely hate workplaces where co-workers and managers complain if you're not in your cubicle from 9am to 5pm. All they care about is that you waste your life at the exact same hours as they do.
I outgrew that rat-race many years ago. My time is valuable, and I run my life accordingly. Don't clip my wings just because you want to waste more of your own time. Slowing me down doesn't justify the fact that you don't value the minutes and hours of your life.
You know what? Freddie put it better than I ever could:
Nice blargney very nice
If speed is all you care about then roll a toon with sprint boost and stop whining. Wings *ARE NOT* considerably faster than a sprint boosting barb, if faster at all. Yes you can use wings constantly atm, but there really aren't a lot of places where you wouldn't encounter combat before sprint boost runs out.
Alternatively, roll a monk. With sprint boost.
If wasting time is such a huge issue to you, then MMORPG's are THE genre of gaming you should NEVER play.
This picture sums this thread quite nicely, for reason has left these discussions long ago and now it's just whining for the sake of whining.
Last edited by Viisari; 09-05-2011 at 02:51 PM.
Ok for all you other players who are telling those of us to get over it, what if they took lich from from a PM? or took away a cleric's healing aura? what if they took con boost from barb's or sneak attack from a rogue? Well to me having wings on my FVS makes them unique from just playing a cleric it is a major class feature. I think the dev's are completely in the wrong and need to leave our wings alone!! So all the non FVS player's stick a cork in it!
Naomirose lvl 20 Monk, Tempestrose Lvl 18 Evoker FVS, Summersrose Lvl 21 Drunk, Daenerysrose Lvl 21 PM, Kalanirose Lvl 23 10k Stars AA, Rhianrose Lvl 20 Arti, AubreyFaith Lvl 12 Clonk.
they already moved lich form from lvl 12 to lvl 18
they already moved healing aura from lvl 6 to lvl 12
they already nerf'ed rogue sneak attack by putting more fortification on monsters
they can't really take away "con" boost since every class has its ability enhancement, altho i'm pretty sure everyone would love to get str boost on barbarian so i don't see your freaking point with this
just because it's time for FvS to actually get tweaked, FvS players are just crying as if the world is ending....
sigh, what has the playerbase in DDO fallen to...?
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
I will have you know that the player base has not fallen, it elitist jerks who have become the problem. IMO wings are a class feature that makes playing a FVS unique. It is something that no other class has, I was so excited to get my wings and I love them and hate to see them nerf'd. All of the people telling us to quit whining, well quit reading if you don't like what you see or hear. We are not whining we are expressing our opinion so that maybe the dev's will see how much this is making us angry! Its not our fault that the new raids were not designed properly or did not take into account the different strength's of each class. I have as much right to post and state my opinion as the next person
Naomirose lvl 20 Monk, Tempestrose Lvl 18 Evoker FVS, Summersrose Lvl 21 Drunk, Daenerysrose Lvl 21 PM, Kalanirose Lvl 23 10k Stars AA, Rhianrose Lvl 20 Arti, AubreyFaith Lvl 12 Clonk.
How are they a problem?
Monks had leap before favored souls did and favored souls have many other perks in addition to their wings, stop talking ****.
I doubt this nerf has much to do with the new raids, wings are way too powerful in general for their current cost, thus they are being nerfed. As far as I know there has been pretty much no balancing done on favored souls since their release and now their turn has come like it has for everyone else before. Deal with it.
And unlike you'd think from the general tone of whining on these forums, you ARE NOT LOSING YOUR WINGS, stop acting like you were.