And when this happens Im just told that its irrelevant anyhow, because the examples that myself and others have brought up dont support your stance. This is as old as the hills as well.
Bottom line. Make a blanket statement (which you have) and one person cites an example where that blanket statement does not apply (which has been done a couple times now) and its no longer a blanket statement.
It is as old as the nerf requests themselves. Nerfs arent the answer. Those who request nerfs around these parts are usually the same people complaining about them after the nerf happens. Thats when the "told you so" card gets tossed out onto the proverbial table, and theyre not too happy to be reminded that they were the ones pushing for this previous to the nerf bat being swung. The U5 hilarity is a perfect example of this, heh.
I did, but something about the quality of the popcorn just wasnt right...
(points for getting the reference)