KOTC continues to be marginalized...
- It's AP-heavy enough that you need to forgo many of the defensive/utility enhancements
- The damage bonus still does not cover all evil outsiders
- The censure ability was nerfed to cover mobs that are very rare in the game. Fine for trash mobs in the hound, but that's about it. It's near-useless.
- The damage bonus was removed for undead. Yes, I know it was not WAI in the first place, but doing so made an already narrow PRE even more of a one-trick pony. One could have made a rational argument for KOTC to have affected them, with KOTC a true offensive PRE against a Paladin's most natural enemies.
So now, KOTC is a damage boost that is relevant in fewer and fewer endgame places. And with the U11 changes, a being a KOTC in ToD may now be suboptimal, with DOS preferred.
So now, you're giving up a ton of other stuff, in exchange for a damage boost that works against an increasingly tiny percentage of endgame mobs.
Of course, if you go the DOS route, you'll still have irrelevant AC at endgame without a ton of additional grinding and some luck, but that's another matter.
Paladins need some love, IMO.