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  1. #1
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    Default Warning: Crafted Handwraps can bug out ALL your wraps/character

    So I tested out a pair of +1 crafted wraps to see if they would bug out for me. They did.
    No big deal, unequipped all my gear etc, relogged, went to do a quest. Switched from using my normal (random lootgen) wraps to a pair of DR breaking kamas and suddenly miss miss miss miss. I'd lost all my plus to hit from gear and enchantments. I deconstructed the crafted wraps so all of the following is now from both named and lootgenned items.

    So now as it stands I have the following.
    A pair of loot genned wraps (+2) that when equipped gives me the proper +hit (These are now bugged in a good way, when equipped they magically set my +hit to the correct number, I just can't switch away from them safely.)
    If I switch from these wraps I get a -1 to hit (from the fact that the crafted wraps were +1), I also lose all my +hit from gear enchantments etc. (Have to remove and replace all gear etc to get it back)
    So I put those wraps in the bank and grabbed a different pair, same glitch.
    Tried switching between two different pairs of wraps, same problem.
    Using a wand from any wraps, same issue

    (On a side note, removing a +2 hit item now gives me +1 and replacing it back another +2)

    So what it boils down down to is my monk can no longer use any handwraps other than the now bugged +2 lootgen (all other wraps are just bugged worse) or, if I know I'll need a wand or a dr breaker I cannot use wraps at all.

    P.S. Support can't fix my char so any advice would be appreciated.

    Edit:Still occurring in u11
    Last edited by Tenelai; 09-13-2011 at 10:40 PM.

  2. #2


    Support is your only option, someone is going to have to go into the character database and correct the issue, as I dont see an "in game" solution for this other then maybe "TR" or "GR".

    Just keep bugging them about it, otherwise just park the toon till its fixed.

    Also tell them when you contact support that your character appears to be stat bugged, dont mention ANYTHING about crafting, otherwise they will just toss you into the pile of "We currently dont support crafting related issues". Which is probably why they told you that couldn't help you before.
    Last edited by Xionanx; 08-29-2011 at 05:58 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xionanx View Post
    Support is your only option, someone is going to have to go into the character database and correct the issue, as I dont see an "in game" solution for this other then maybe "TR" or "GR".

    Just keep bugging them about it, otherwise just park the toon till its fixed.

    Also tell them when you contact support that your character appears to be stat bugged, dont mention ANYTHING about crafting, otherwise they will just toss you into the pile of "We currently dont support crafting related issues". Which is probably why they told you that couldn't help you before.
    Submitted a stat bug ticket, same response

    On the plus side, did some more testing.
    (This only applies after your char is already bugged out)

    +1 Handwraps or better switching to +1 or better wraps safe
    +1 or better wraps switched to +0 wraps causes -hit
    Any wraps to anything non wraps causes -hit
    Anything non wrap to +1 or better wraps safe

  4. #4
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    Update 11 made it so the Holy property from crafted wraps now function properly. However, the to-hit problems are still completely whacky and screwed beyond all comprehension. Any idea when this will be fixed?

    I don't understand why Silver wraps are worth so much if crafting them slaughters them...
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  5. #5
    Community Member Daim's Avatar
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    My handwraps are acting a little wonky also. I don't think I am getting the right + to hit and if I take my handwraps off I lose +10 to hit. Unless I am mistaken that would mean I am using +10 handwraps, which I am not. Not using any crafted wraps however.

  6. #6
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    I just did a little testing of crafted handwraps (+5 anarchic GLOB, +5 axiomatic GCOB, +5 vicious GCB) and the Epic Wraps of Endless Light.

    First, it looks like the Epic Wraps are adding the full +6 to attack and damage now. Yay.

    Second, I was having no problems with the enhancement bonuses from the crafted wraps.

    The only hiccup occurred if I had my Epic Spectral Gloves on. If I had those on, the crafted wraps would not allow the +4 competence bonus to attack rolls from the gloves to be added in.

    Otherwise, everything worked hunky-dory.

  7. #7
    Community Member Tharlak's Avatar
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    Having wacky wraps problems myself.

    On a monk splash build. My to hit is correct with wraps on (+4 festival burst shocking burst pure good), if I switch to my main melee weapons I loose double the to hit bonus. Thereafter I need to trade gear (specifically if I put on the Anger Set) my to hit recalcs correctly.

    Note if I have the Anger set on when I switch from wraps to melee weapons the problem still occurs, I then need to remove the set and then trade it back in for the recalc.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    Hi welcome!
    (I wonder if I'll get banned for this?)

  8. #8
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    Yup, you won't see the problem when you equip the wraps. It's when you switch weapons from them to something else. You lose all +hit from gear and enchants.

  9. #9
    Community Member jpcupp's Avatar
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    Wish we could get a comment from a dev, or at least some kinda time line when this is going to be fixed.

    I lost perm + to hit from my crafted wraps.

  10. #10
    Community Member kuro_zero's Avatar
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    I believe this is a "Known Issue". Current work-around is force to-hit recalc via unequip/re-equip of To-hit item (spectral, korthos goggles, etc) or spell (greater heroism)
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  11. #11
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    I'm going to add another one to this thread, Body Feeder doesn't work. Very annoying that without the ability to overwrite slots to fix my wraps, that have a med guild slot on em so making a better new set isn't an option, I have to re-build the suffix as well, considering it was one of those "rare" item required suffix.

    I'm of the opinion that with how long and how horribly the wraps have been broken, Turbine needs to just pick a dev, and say "Take a week and find out what fixing wraps will take". It's really crappy that the only effective weapon for a specific class is totally borked.

    It's not like monks have another weapon they can use with any of the touch attacks.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsiGuy View Post
    I'm of the opinion that with how long and how horribly the wraps have been broken, Turbine needs to just pick a dev, and say "Take a week and find out what fixing wraps will take". It's really crappy that the only effective weapon for a specific class is totally borked.

    It's not like monks have another weapon they can use with any of the touch attacks.
    Anyone else find it absolutely absurd that the most broken crafting item in the game, with the most difficult to get DR breakers, is the basis for the new crafted modules that Artificers make for their pets and yet those can work properly?? Obviously the problems only persist because Turbine hasn't bothered to actually research the root and correct it since they have no issues with converting and applying the item to a new usable type for a pet.

    That and the fact that it's hard enough to get decent wraps as-is in game, now monks have to compete with Arties who will be hogging them all up for their pets.

    And since when do the dogs do blunt damage in the first place?? It would have made more sense to me if the base module weapon was a dagger since the puncturing line of effects are more in line with the animations and attacks the pets possess. Or I guess player Arties are all responsible for clipping their pets claws and filing down their teeth so they have no edges.
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  13. #13
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    I find it completely and utterly absurd, and yet predictable for a company with obviously horrible management like Turbine. I guarantee that what happened with DDO is that one of those lame people we've all met in our lives got into a position of power and constantly screws things to heck, and their incompetence and attitude trickles down to the other employees, some of which try to do a good job anyway but find it frustrating, and others that just happily fit into the environment of incompetence and absurdity.

    Companies with horrible people in management positions very predictably have these sorts of things happen consistently. Reminds me of Bank of America. I try to call them to ask a simple question and get an automated menu for 5 minutes after which it tells me I can now speak to somebody and their system hangs up on me, while my other bank I call them and easy as pie a person answers and I get an answer.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsiGuy View Post

    I'm of the opinion that with how long and how horribly the wraps have been broken, Turbine needs to just pick a dev, and say "Take a week and find out what fixing wraps will take". It's really crappy that the only effective weapon for a specific class is totally borked.

    It's not like monks have another weapon they can use with any of the touch attacks.
    Hey Turbine! PLEASE DO THIS. Some communication would be nice as well.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuneStriker View Post
    And since when do the dogs do blunt damage in the first place?? It would have made more sense to me if the base module weapon was a dagger since the puncturing line of effects are more in line with the animations and attacks the pets possess.
    Ten bucks says its because hand wraps are considered "Unarmed" attacks, with special properties, and if they used anything else the Dogs would have to be able to handle single/dual wield, and a whole **** ton of special cases. In fact, the core problem with wraps probably revolves around them being treated as "Unarmed" with special properties.

    This is the most likely reason for that multi re-equip and stack effects bug happened in the first place. Another ten bucks says what happened was that it applied the bonus to the characters unarmed attack values, then neglected to take it off when the wraps came off. Since it was now part of the "character", new equips would just keep stacking.

    I didn't realize the Dogs got wraps. This is just more incentive for them to fix it right, by including it as part of this cycles main goals. Now they can spend the time either finding the root of the problem, or re-designing how the entire "unarmed" with wraps system calculates things, simply because a new toy is seriously broken without it.

    They should stop burning ants with a magnifying lens, and just poison the nest and kill all wrap bugs at once. If it was me I would look at the way certain unarmed code seems to work, say stances with the Jit bracers, and apply all wrap bonus the exact same way.

    My guess is the reason bugs persist is that someone high up says what the primary goals for each release are, things like adding classes, etc, and that bugs get assigned "when time is available". Anyone who develop knows that new code has its own bugs, that those must be fixed first to meet the primary goals, so no time is left for those legacy issues that are just so darn hard to track down.

    Turbine should build a sub dev team that has a sole responsibility is to quash bugs, rather than have every dev try to shake off the cobwebs and peer at strange code in the middle of trying to do something else. Lack of focus also makes bugs. But that is a hard money decision to make, even for a profitable operation.

    "Wadya mean we have to spend 250K a year on staff just to squash bugs, can't we just get the guys we have to work on them 'when they have a few moments'?"

    Seen this attitude plenty of times as a developer, and let me tell you, its not just this company, its most of them.

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