WTS +1 Holy Repeating Light Crosswbow of PG with Large Guild Augment Slot and Festival Frost (120/120 durability, Wood, hardness 9) ML: 6
Not icy bursted because who could have guessed these bad boys would become useful?
I'll trade it for the same item, with or without frost/icy burst (but not crafted), with a Medium Guild Augment Slot, or alternatively 2 - 5 LDS or decent amounts of Plat (over 250k) depending on what's the highest bid in this thread in about 3 days.
While plat bids are not unwelcome, I'd prefer LDS since my heart is set on making an Ooze Repeater.
Ideally just post a response, but pm if you must, and I'll take whatever's highest in 3 days assuming there is some interest.
Edit: It is a crossbow, not a special item called a crosswbow