The gnomes of House Sivis bear the Mark of Scribing, which grants magical abilities pertaining to writing and communication to its bearers. House Sivis is a cornerstone of diplomacy and bureaucracy in Khorvaire, and their abilities allow for marked identification papers and Khorvaire's communication services infrastructure.
Zil gnomes are also master binders, and their artificers are the most skilled into trapping and binding elementals to fuel airships and elemental weapons/armors. The race could came with some free crafting bonus too.
I doubt Turbine can made something useful from this dragonmark to DDO. Just like they didn't added the Mark of Detection with Helves (Detect secret doors, See Invisibility, True Seeing. All spells already implemented).
On the other hand, they could again take a look at 4e like they did with helves. 4e gnomes have +2 int and +2 cha (no race on 4e have negative stats), and they can add -2 str to fill the 3e negative ability. Or add the normal +2 con/-2 str, plus int and cha racial enhancements.