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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2007

    Default PC Building/Pricing Ect..

    Alright.. So I'm sitting here on a very fixed budget and my computer died. Not just broke, but dead.. gone, shot, big pile of black melted plastic for a motherboard.

    So, I'm trying to figure out where to go to purchase a new computer, but I can't afford a $400 brand new machine.

    Keep in mind, my computers are only used as a middle spec'd gaming platform.. DDO is about all I run as far as games go.. and I usually keep all the graphic settings on low, with draw distances turned up. My video card is a 512mb PCI-E card.. works wonders, and is still in good shape, same with my sound card, just the motherboard/processer is shot in my old computer..

    So, I'm pretty much looking for a cheap replacement.. I got piles upon piles of fans, heat sinks, cases, ect ect ect.. just need a cheap basic setup...

    Anyone know where I could go to locate that? Or maybe an online outlet store that sells discontinued base systems?

    It's been years since I've built my own system.. (about 6 to be honest).. and that computer finally gave up the ghost last week so I'm pretty much starting over as a computer builder..
    Quote Originally Posted by ProdigalGuru View Post
    Note to Self: Dear Self, I like you very much, but you are an idiot. Next time, check your facts. There is no point letting everyone else know you are an idiot. It might also help if you were to stop posting at 4 AM. Sincerely, Self

  2. #2
    Community Member Gelmir87's Avatar
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    Default <--- Good deals on "Barebone Kits" <--- Good deals on single component hardware

    It's all dependant on how much you're really able to spend. Vid card sounds nice, but most newer Mobo's come with Built-in sounds cards.

    Take a gander through the listings and see if you can't find something that catches your eye.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gelmar
    Death smiles at us all... The only thing we can do is kill it first!

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Community Member Stuttrboy's Avatar
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    Was it just the motherboard? Were you able to salvage anything? You should test out anything you think is salvageable and rebuild around that.

  5. #5
    Community Member simo0208's Avatar
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    They do builds at different price points to max out the machine. EXCELLENT site.

  6. #6
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    Pretty much I think the chip, motherboard, and powersupply are shot.

    The hard-drive I'm still able to access as a slave drive on another computer so I know it's not shot.. and the video card, sound card, and ethernet cards are still good.

    The RAM though, I'm not positive on, since I have no way of testing it to see if it is still viable. Also it will depend on which motherboard I do decide to pick up in the long run.

    Pretty much all the system needs to be capable of doing is browsing the internet enough to run gmail and facebook.. and able to game enough to run DDO on a low end setup. The video card was top of the line, 5 or 6 years ago... but finacally I'm not where near to getting top of the line, nor will be any time soon.. (going through a divorce ect..)

    So.. not even worried about being compatable with DX-10... in fact I still have a copy of Windows XP 32 Bit SP3 I can run on so older components, or lower end components aren't an issue...
    Quote Originally Posted by ProdigalGuru View Post
    Note to Self: Dear Self, I like you very much, but you are an idiot. Next time, check your facts. There is no point letting everyone else know you are an idiot. It might also help if you were to stop posting at 4 AM. Sincerely, Self

  7. #7
    Community Member tuksonrider's Avatar
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    I shop newegg, and their online prices are hard to beat.

    For the minimum to get up an running:
    Motherbard: $50
    AMD CPU: $65
    4GB RAM (DDR3): $26
    PSU: $45: (has a $20 mail-in-rebate)
    TOTAL: $186 ($166 after PSU Mail-in-rebate).

    If you can swing it, get a new video card.
    AMD 6770 (DX11): $110

    You might find a comparable nVidia vid card, but I'm partial to AMD (formally ATi)

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Dec 2007


    Sorry for the necro, but I hadnt noticed the reply by tuskan and wanted to say thank you Got me on the right direction
    Quote Originally Posted by ProdigalGuru View Post
    Note to Self: Dear Self, I like you very much, but you are an idiot. Next time, check your facts. There is no point letting everyone else know you are an idiot. It might also help if you were to stop posting at 4 AM. Sincerely, Self

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