Hurricane hit in the early morning, went without power for a while (~10 hours).
Lots of tree branches fell, none of them on anything important (in my town at least).
As one of the effected, I have no problem whatsoever with the ad turbine put out. I thought it was funny as hell. If something had happened to me or someone I know, I would have been sad - but I wouldn't have blamed Turbine for trying to profit off of our misfortune (honestly, I think it was all meant to be a joke anyway - either that, or the Quartermaster is strongly deluded about player demand for lightning bolt wands).
Yes, bad things happened. People died. My town seems to have gotten off easy compared to a lot of other places. My feelings go out to those who truly suffered from the hurricane.
But around 300,000 people die in the US every year due to obesity, and while fat jokes are seen as crass they certainly aren't viewed by most as offensive to the dead. Alzheimers claims around 70,000 lives every year in the US, but that doesn't stop people laughing at the "diagnosis" joke.
People need to learn how to laugh at life instead of feeling obligated to respond with moral outrage. Bad things happen. Life goes on anyway. If you let everything bad get you down, you aren't going to be able to do much with your life to make up for it.
To end the unintended sapiness, I leave you with these words of wisdom from Australian comedian Tim Minchin (some swearing and generally offensive material) -