Was told to try this fourm, any one able to help me do the vault of night? havent run it before and looking to get it done.
Was told to try this fourm, any one able to help me do the vault of night? havent run it before and looking to get it done.
Your playtimes and character levels would make it easier to respond to your post.
Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk
lvl 10 barb 2 rouge dwarf on khyber, playtimes vary, usually on my days off wed-fri next week for example
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What hours?
Many different people here from lots of different parts of the world. People may offer to take you along and show you stuff if they can work out when you're on.
Search the forums for DDO Interactive. It's a downloadable community written app that has a bunch of useful stuff including some raid and quest guides.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
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You might also want to look at some of the other Sign-up for Raid threads. They tend to say something like:
VON 5/6 scheduled for Tuesday night, August 30th, starting at 9 PM EST. Will need two WIS (20), one STR (25) characters, one trapsmith, and two healers. Levels 9-12. Pay-to-play and please be flagged. Sign-up below.
1. Ranik - 10/2 barb/rogue (25 STR)
Good luck!
Khyber - "Hand of the Black Tower" - Anikah, Fillia, Hakina, Meemi, Vencinni, Leihples
Taevari, Vorlorn, Selphiel, Xitri, Irtix, Zentri
alright, i guess ill take a look at the sign up threads then, since im still confused on the whole thing
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