Y'know, I always thought "Fine Antique Leg Wear" was supposed to mean "Old Boots" and the Guildname being a pun on the phrase "Tough as old boots".
I didn't know about the whole "Britches and Hose" thing.
Y'know, I always thought "Fine Antique Leg Wear" was supposed to mean "Old Boots" and the Guildname being a pun on the phrase "Tough as old boots".
I didn't know about the whole "Britches and Hose" thing.
Poor taste. Absolutely. You need to keep your fantasy world and your real world separate, otherwise you end up in the news too! Now, fix your panties, and lets get back in the game and go KILL stuff!!!
P.s. if you really care send your money to charity....
The Best Server: Gallhanda
Looking for a great guild? Check Out Our Guild: http://www.oldtimersguild.com/vb/forum.php
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Most people i meet say that same thing, honestly i thought people had moved on from it long ago and just shrugged it off as one of those funny guild names that lasted a week. Apparently people still dont like the fact its ever refrenced. ITs not a big deal, as i said id rather just remove it as the basis of our fondness twards outdated clothing has changed over time.
I feel quite confident in our knowledge of boots/leggings/pants/ext.
It was a bad pun, now its a bad pun that took on other meanings. It may sound silly but my appriation for old pants and styles of outdated fashion has grown alot recently.
Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
Gasolinex - Pale Master
Gasomatic Systematic - Bard
Last edited by blkcat1028; 08-29-2011 at 01:46 AM.
"You know how sometimes when you’re drifting off to sleep you feel that jolt, like you were falling and caught yourself at the last second? It’s nothing to be concerned about, it’s usually just the parasite adjusting its grip." -David Wong
My heart goes out to anyone who lost someone in this, but with that said, there was a ridiculously long period of warning, and NO ONE should've been in harm's way. This isn't something like lightning or a tornado, where who knows when and where till it's too late; we knew when and where with a fair degree of certitude, and actually, the danger was at least overstated.
All lives lost were due to someone's failure to see that people were taken to safety, not because of random fate. That 11yr old boy died because a tree fell on his house, but who let him stay there? At least NY's mayor had the sense and the brass ones to push the big red button and get his people the h3ll out of Dodge.
Last edited by EustaceTrevelyan; 08-29-2011 at 01:05 AM.
Ill take the neg rep each time I post in these threads...
Its dark humor... Some people use it to cope... I'm sorry you are so critical of others defense mechanisms... But maybe you are just reacting right now with your own... If that's the case more power to ya I guess...
Infynity, Flaggson, Grazzit, Liryc
Yep, I think I facepalmed my nose off.
and your sensitivity and empathy for victims of natural disasters outside the US? I found the victimhood of a 5.9 quake in the east to be disgusting, in light of earthquake devastation in the pacific rim. There are massive typhoons going on in Asia right now as well; i notice you didn't reference them in your outrage.
Keep the soapbox for soap.
I said it once I'll say it again... Sense of humor is one of MANY ways to cope w/ disaster. If one see's the "funny" in a situation in a means to cope, then who are we to be justified in calling it "crass" or "tasteless" ...
If we don't have a sense of humor (whether or not it's dark, sick, or twisted) then we are no better than a room full of dead bodies who are just waiting to be washed out w/ the storm.
And if it offends you, then by all means, feel free to exercise your right to IGNORE it.
"I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied...
Learn to swim..."
"This body holding me reminds me of my own mortalityEmbrace this moment, remember, we are eternalAll this pain is an illusion"
Turbine didnt make a promotion based on those disasters. I understand that every where in the world things are going wrong for many reasons. Some we can easily help with, others it may be much more difficult to help but its still doable.
My issue was the tone of the add, that is all. The way the add was stated sounded almost in jest. That was my only issue, a buissness souldnt take that approch imo.
If it means anything, i didnt hand out any Neg rep in this thread, people are entitled to there ideas. That said i got plenty of negs, but thats alight. I didnt feel like anyone was being overly rude, everyone was making there ideas saw with an explanation. Im not to judge if a post right or wrong. Some people use humor as a natural defence when faces with loss, its a natural thing that helps people heal. So i didnt put any negs out there because a thread like this deserves discussion.
Again my issue was the tone of the add. Even the promotion itself wasnt to terrible, just the tone. A big buissness thats already subect to scrutiny becase we are "DND" sould be more aware of this. Not to mention we are ran by WB, i know that turbine was just trying to ease the view of it. But it wouldnt have been hard to change it to ---------
"To hopefully aid hard times, at least by offering an excape from real life to our troubled friends as the recover from the hurricane thats coming we offer ....blah blah blah".
Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
Gasolinex - Pale Master
Gasomatic Systematic - Bard
You are getting off subject here and way out of line. Turbine's ad in question did not reference any of those disasters.
The point is that it was in bad taste by those who find the term B's and H's to be in violation of the Code of Conduct. The point moreso not even bringing the Code of Conduct up is it was tasteless and unclassy in general. No, not everyone will think that (some people like Hooters, others like The Tilted Kilt, and even others prefer neither). However, as opposed to pleasing everyone by announcing a sale with a little class and taste, Turbine's PR made a grievous error in desensitivity. I do have friends on that coast and I'm lucky they're still alive. Not everyone can say the same thing.
If Turbine posted a sale based on a Typhoon in Asia or an Earthquake in California, I'd feel the same way. Again, I have friends in all those regions.
Should Turbine not make jokes? No, I'm not saying that at all. I am saying that their delivery was not as classy as one would hope from those who moderate these forums with a relatively iron fist. Again, other companies have made accidental jokes about Mother Nature and they were poorly timed and the company apologized promptly. Turbine instead decided it was a good gamble to joke about the Hurricane that they knew would come and knew would cause damage and potentially would kill people (and did kill people). This wasn't a "Oops, we had no idea, sorry!" This was a consequences be damned post. Turbine needs to moderate themselves better. There were a dozen better ways to achieve the same joke or promotion. Their delivery was bad and I hope they apologize (in general, not to me or anyone, but to the world at large). It was in poor taste and attacking individual's sensitivity or the theoretical, hypothetical, chronological or historical instances that were not named in Turbine's post give no merit in any attempt to discredit the statement: It was in bad taste.
"I'm no hero, Miss. I'm just your every-day broom salesman that killed Titanus. Twice. With no thanks, whatsoever." - Neebs.
Community Member
Community Member
+1 to the OP.
People seem to have a complete lack of proportion and humanity regarding the issue.
Yes - it is fine and dandy to laugh about something that happens to YOU.
Watching idiots self inflicting wounds like say skateboarding down railings and bagging themselves is fine and dandy - because whatever someone does to themselves is fair game - esp if they film it and post it online for people to laugh at them.
However laughing about something that happens to complete strangers, that they have no control over (like natural disasters or being attacked or whatever), shows an utter lack of humanity - and the fact that people are going full bore defending their 'right' to do so only demonstrates how much of a piece of trash they are.
Referencing drinks or teams named after 'hurricanes', or some such is just puerile, and shows someone cannot differentiate between something named after a generic term, and "Lets celebrate this most recent disaster(that has just killed 21 people so far) with a sale".
Like I said in the other thread - anyone who thinks it is no big deal, or who actually gets riled up about others 'with no sense of humor' - I challenge you to invite total strangers to the funeral of the next friend or family member that dies and laugh at them in front of all the grieving people.
I will bet more money than I have that not a single friend or family member is going to also think it is funny.
Anyone that says otherwise is lying, a piece of trash, and/or has zero friends or family and has zero understanding of basic human empathy.
The fact that there seems to be so many of those types around is a sad and terrible reflection on how people are being raised today.
Last edited by Riggs; 08-29-2011 at 02:46 AM.
Really? You lost your home, and/or you are related to one of the people that died?
Either you are not (if you are evacuated I would think one would have more important things to be doing than scouring the off topic DDO threads no?), or you do not care about your family one little bit.
Hmmm, better also complain to AMC for showing "The Perfect Storm" on the same weekend as irene.
How could they be so insensitive!
In Japan, one of the most famous discotecs for "gaijin" and japanese, is the "Gas Panic" named after the Sarin Gas attacks. Well, that is bad taste.
It would be like opening a bar in NY called "Twins collapsing".
A storm is a storm. Calm down.
Last edited by Ugumagre; 08-29-2011 at 02:38 AM.
Goat, Sammich, Poultry
I think you're the one who lacks a sense of proportion.
The ad wasn't making fun of death or destruction. They weren't laughing at or making fun of folks who lost their homes or lives.
But as a person who lives in Florida and knows the effects of these storms, it has always been a coping mechanism to downplay the impending storms and downright joke about them as they approach (even as we prepare for them as best we can) and even when they hit.
Down here we have "hurricane parties" for a reason.
So lighten up, Turbine's not making fun of anyone's hardship.
I think people who take offense are fine, it's their right to feel how they feel. However, I think people who try to browbeat people and express dismay at people's upbringing "today" to be disgusting pieces of trash.
Maybe you missed the part of the post where I said it is fine to laugh at something that happens to YOU - not to total strangers.
I guess you didnt read the whole post you quoted. Says something about you - not me.
I could point out that your last two lines contradict each other - but maybe you didnt read your own post either.
Well, there are a lot of people like Riggs, that think they have to think that way. I remember the "bad taste" of Gary Larson...
"One of cartoonist Gary Larson's more famous cartoons shows two chimpanzees grooming. One finds a blonde human hair on the other and inquires, "Conducting a little more 'research' with that Jane Goodall tramp?" The Jane Goodall Institute thought this was in bad taste, and had their lawyers draft a letter to Larson and his distribution syndicate, in which they described the cartoon as an "atrocity". They were stymied by Goodall herself, who revealed that she found the cartoon amusing.[37] Since then, all profits from sales of a shirt featuring this cartoon go to the Jane Goodall Institute. Goodall wrote a preface to The Far Side Gallery 5, detailing her version of the controversy.[38] She praised Larson's creative ideas, which often compare and contrast the behavior of humans and animals. In 1988, Larson visited Gombe.[37]"
Ignoring (in a respectful, political correct way) is better.
Goat, Sammich, Poultry