10 points into STR, 8 points into DEX, 10 points into CON, 4 points into INT. Racial +2 DEX, -2 CON. I'll need a reincarnation to go 18 DEX.
12 INT is the lowest score to maximize all the skills I want, even with the best leveling order. Starting with 10 INT and eating a +2 tome at 7th level isn't enough. I wanted maxed Hide/MS, maxed Search/DD/OL, maxed Spot... I only miss two points into Spot (a +2 tome would help here) but ranger gives me a nice 3rd level spell if I really need to pump that skill and elf grants a +2 bonus.
Currently I am at level 3, still in Korthos for a couple more quests. Using longsword and shield found in chests while looking for a falchion, and bow at distance to lure enemies and kill casters. By level 5, I'll alternate between scimitars and falchion, next level I pick up OTWF so will use scimitars to the end unless I find some DR heavy mob.