The basis for this idea is coming from the fact that Pale-masters get Death Aura and Clerics get a Positive Energy Aura So, based on Artificer Lore it would make sense for them to get a Reconstructive Aura that would follow along the same lines.
This Aura would tick for something close to the Positive Energy Aura and would only affect Warforged or Fleshie (w/ Construct Essence) characters and the Artificers pet. The Aura would be affected by the Repair enhancement line and all Potency-like affects, However it would not be affected by Empower or Maximize.
The Aura would be attached to the Artificers PRE line, on the second Tier of it, similar to the Cleric's PRE line and Energy Aura. Along with this, the Aura could either be linked to Action Boosts* or SP*.
*For Action Boosts, I would suggest that the Aura last twice as long as Action boosts are currently more valuable than turn undead attempts to most clerics
*For SP, I would suggest that the Aura last the same cleric Positive energy aura's duration, and cost 30 SP, However, for this route I would also suggest that the base repair effect be lowered and have meta magics effect it.
Basic Numbers for the Aura:
Repairs for:
2d6 + 1 Per Caster Level (Maximum 2d6 + 10)
Average 17 Damage per tick
-25.5 w/ Full Enhancements
-34 w/ 50% potency
Or. 24-44 with 50%potency and full Enhancements.
Current Cleric Pos Energy Aura on Llama Land:
LEVEL ---------------- DURATION
Not something that would be considered overpowered, just an addition to the class based on the fact that they created the Warforged, so it stands to reason they would have more ways of healing them.