Guess what We VIP pay money every month, we also Buy Tp's for the fun stuff , supporting a game that was probably going under 2 or so years ago, when they brought out f2p and Premium. They literally gave the game for free so peeps would play and buy Tp's to make them money to stay afloat and keep this game alive. I was premium and went to VIP a few months afterwards to take advantages of the perks to VIP (which seem to dissappear with each and every update). I don't mind f2p or premium, everyone has their priorities and way to pay and but seriously why (french word for seal <- sounds like 4 letter improper slang starting with F
) around with the ones paying you garantied monthly income?
For those who are griping about VIP's wanting their perks (I won't get into the FVS/DROW discussion cause it's moot) I would like to know how many of you are VIP? (0%??) If you are VIP you have a valid statement, although I can't fathom wanting to pay for another class which should be included BUT if you are not VIP I suggest you try paying per month and then realise they care no more about you than the piece of Karp stuck to bottom their shoe), see if your opinion stays the same about paying for content that should be included.
Also as was stated VIP pay upwards of $ 180 a year to play, where as buying all the content, hard elite unlocks when needed, etc come to about 1 years VIP subscription when buying tp on sale, and that is for as long as you play as a Premium member. I think VIP need a little consideration here.
Any how here are a few suggestions
They should either:
a) Drop artificier until they have enough favor available to unlock.
b) Make it free to VIP, TP for everyone else like most other content, until there is enough favor to be able to grind for it for everyone then bring the class back to favor or Tp aquisition.
c) Make it available at the STORE for everyone day one! F2P pay full price, Premium get (50% discount), VIP Pay 1 Token TP so tubine can say they made everyone pay and pat themselves on the back.
Personally I like (C) myself
My 2 cents and bring on the neg rep ... lol