Only because the players I see these days come from other games (like that 12 million subscriber one) where DPS is all that matters. It is an epeen thing to them. Not saying the people you know are like this only saying that upon my return this game has went in a direction, and the players, that have far removed it from the realm of any DnD I have ever played. Heck, most players freely admit they have never touched DnD before or knows anything about it but are here because this game is free. Sad but that is reality though Turbine COULD, but will not, change it back to a more DnD (as much as DDO can be) centric game and not just another hack and slash mess of pixels.
Maybe a compromise would be to have VIP's purchase the class for their specific server and when the VIP reaches the proper favor in the future when it's available, issue a TP credit to the account - similar to what happens when we hit x00 favor.
Myself, my wife, and my friend all have acros with no plans on changing them.
Slap a jorgondals collar on a barb/acro build and you are veritably perma hasted that can't be dispelled.
and I've got a mechanic/deepwood sniper that I'm just itching to get back into with the fix for repeaters. The repeater bugs really hurt mechanics.
Yes thy do thy also get 500 tp a month were as F2p (pays for all) receives no tp at the begging of the month. I was vip for years when we only had less then 5 ques to do.
I payed my fair shear, and I have on tp I received payed for all of the Mod's so please don't come out as if you are losing a thing buy the packs and become a free to Play! and buy your options then complane.
The Rogues Guild - Sarlona
How did that get in here? Hay give that back O that’s yours? Sorry
Gordgray Gord of gray Hawk Rogues do it from behind
I honestly realized something now I have been looking at one aspect of this the wrong way.
Ive been making it about me being a subscriber but this issue isnt just about another alleged VIP perk being eroded away.
This affects anyone who is under the pretense of this being unlimited. Even if you can earn TP threw favor grind who is to say the price for Artificers will be reachable by just doing that?
Then to add that the favor tie in to unlock the class will not be complete till the following update means even those who are Premium and Free to play would still not be able to earn the class either. Its not a matter of pay scale folks its the precedence of them releasing new classes which in turn could lead into a new race or content that is store only to unlock.
Every one knows there is no real "free" in the game even if you tried to grind your way to 20 it would burn ya out and its not that hard to drop six bucks to go premium eventually. I am not against the company earning revenue I am against shady dealings. It would not be a major issue if they would come out from the get go saying "This class will be a store buy for a few weeks" then the way we had to find out a bout it and the still lack of official word. Then to hear that its due to not all the favor being available with update 11 it makes you wonder what the heck is going on there?
I just say this for my case the company would have made their money without me feeling cheated with communication. They could have made far more by having their ducks in a row and having the favor available in my opinion to. Many people are willing to part with their money when they feel they have a choice, not so much when they feel their being cheated.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
Just my 2 cp on this.
I really don't see the huge deal about artificers being unavailable until you either grind out the favor or pay for them. I was surprised to see that they weren't store only with no other way to unlock them. However, one thing everyone seems to be forgetting is that for VIP's yeah you can grind it fast once U12 comes out with the other pack however, since neither of these packs (U11 and 12) look like they are going to be f2p the Freeium and Premium players will have to buy both packs to grind out the favor. I don't have any clue about U12 but U11 is a pack with two raids, high level content, a new crafting system, in it so most likely will be priced like Vale and Gianthold if not more. Not to mention the packs you have to get just to get to level 20 to begin with. We are going to have to pay for Artificers one way or another. I personally don't have a problem with this but still wanted to share my perspective on it.
Your right that the repeater bug really hurt mechanics, that's why I Greater Reincarnated my Mechanic into an acrobat.
A necromancer from before Pale Master came out.
Argonesson: Nexal / Dolgos / Golgos / Earie / Nexas
Threads: Halfling PrE, Master Thrower / New set of spells: Illusion
Noone who dabbles in trapfinding will be any good in DDO either.That is exactly what I am saying. Even in real life no one who dabbles in something (1 or 2 level splashes in DDO) is as good as someone who has mastered their art (20 levels of Mechanic).
They have to spend 4 skill points each level to keep Search and Disable up. That is not a small investment for any class. Often such builds have to bump their int substantially in order to even get those skillpoints to spend them at all.
Blatant lies will really not get you anywhere. On the day DDO launched and people started paying the subscription cost, there were FAR more than 5 quests available. Hell, when it launched, you had to do more than 5 quests just to leave the first corner of the harbor (what is the Inspired Quarter now). Then another 4 to enter the marketplace so you could do something really revolutionary, like...visit the bank!Yes thy do thy also get 500 tp a month were as F2p (pays for all) receives no tp at the begging of the month. I was vip for years when we only had less then 5 ques to do.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
well your wrong all rogue types should be able to get 99% of traps if they build to be able to get traps and its in my build I purposely sacrificed other areas to be good at traps I can get my disarm skill just as high as 99% of none mechanic rogues and I am no one trick pony like you seem to think a trapper should be I can do many things and am the master of many of those as well
Beware the Sleepeater
Then you have ceased to think about the situation logically. The problem lies squarely in Turbine's hands because they make classes obsolete and no reason to run them.
Think logically for a moment and tell me what, or who, in this world can do as much as someone who has devoted their entire career to something when they have only dabbled in something? The person who has devoted their lives to something are called specialists and rightfully so but log into DDO and Turbine <bleep> the pooch when designing their current system.
I find it less interesting because of 3 things:I find it very interesting that you are able to state that Due to the fact you were not in Beta.
1) Beta is not launch
2) I was in beta
3) The quests in beta were the same as the ones at launch
So basically [Insert forum rules break here] you [more forum rule violations] and your mother [forum rules ripped to shreds].
Thank you.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
As an ex-VIP, I don´t think VIP should have, for example, the Artificer for free.
I think, as a whole, it doesn´t pay to be a VIP.
One very easy way to make the VIP status a worthy status, would be 1000 TP / month.
Do I have to pay for the Artificer? OK! Well, I have these 1000 TP / month, no problem.
Easy way out.
Goat, Sammich, Poultry
As a VIP, i would be disappointed if Artificier is not available for free to VIP.
I choose VIP because of limited time play and I didn't want to spend much time to attain the favor needed for new classes and such things...
And i read somewhere that VIP do guarantee you every new things released in DDO, can't find where...