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  1. #41


    Does this sequence of events inspire some ire? Yes, understandably.

    Did Turbine pull a fast one due to this? No, not entirely. Turbine has clearly stated that Favor Based classes for VIP players are Earned for Free or DDO Store Purchased for a while.

    Due to this, though, solutions that probably should be considered are making Artificers available somewhere around 50-70 House Cannith Favor, or swap positions with the current reward granted by House Cannith Favor and swap Artificer's unlocking in that position if Turbine is adamant about using Artificers as a Favor Based class.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

  2. #42
    Community Member Ghost6989's Avatar
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    Yes but upon release this class is not favor based. It is not possible to earn the favor to unlock it, therefore not favor based, THAT is why people are getting mad, because as a VIP we have no way to access it at all without buying. Do you think thats fair?

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost6989
    Yes but upon release this class is not favor based. It is not possible to earn the favor to unlock it, therefore not favor based, THAT is why people are getting mad, because as a VIP we have no way to access it at all without buying. Do you think thats fair?
    I do mention that below the image.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

  4. #44
    Community Member Ghost6989's Avatar
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    I saw that man sorry, picture kind of distracts from what is below it. But glad to see someone else agrees somewhat with the view most people are taken. I am all for them dropping the favor required, then possibly moving it up when the possibility to gain more favor comes.

  5. #45
    Community Member Terminus-Est's Avatar
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    Well. This is a surprise.

    I've been following the Lamannia preview of this latest update with great interest, the things I saw about the new quest line and Artificers had me excited to get to try them out myself; I logged on to the test server, but didn't really have time to do a whole lot, but what I saw impressed me. Then the next round of changes more or less makes everything more impressive with fixes to their ranged combat/etc.

    In anticipation of the new class, I recently (two days ago) went VIP for the first time, having been a premium player since the switch over to Unlimited. I wanted to take advantage of the 3-month deal before it expired, a supposedly savvy decision on my part as I anticipated that Artificer would be released before my 3-month stint as a V.I.P had ended and the 500 TP a month would provide me adequate 'funds' to purchase it outright for continued use afterwards.

    It seems that I have made a costly mistake.

    If this is the way it is going to be, it certainly isn't one I'm going to repeat.

  6. #46
    Community Member The_Brave2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Brave2 View Post
    VIP: Sweet, Artificer Class!
    Turbine: Yea, you can disable traps, summon pets, cast some Divine and some Arcane spells, and you get this cool Rune arm!

    VIP: Wow, this is pretty legit, I cant wait to make one when u11 goes live!

    Turbine: Yep, and for the low low price of $14.99 you can!

    VIP: Yep, been paying that monthly, cant wait!

    Turbine: Nope, you have to pay again -Punches you in the Face-

    This is how I feel right now.
    Did someone seriously neg rep me for this? I thought it was funny
    Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu View Post
    Now now, only I may eat the kittens. *burp*
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Brave2 View Post
    Did someone seriously neg rep me for this? I thought it was funny
    it is funny. its a shame it got negged.

    "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to The_Brave2 again."

    otherwise a +1 for the post.

    what really sucks about this decision is those people who are completionists or are nearling the completionest. If they want it back, they are almost forced to purchase the class, or wait an undetermined amount of time befor eit available for unlocking.
    Last edited by Pape_27; 08-28-2011 at 12:02 AM.
    boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh
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  8. #48
    Community Member Wildseed's Avatar
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    Default Qft

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Brave2 View Post
    VIP: Sweet, Artificer Class!
    Turbine: Yea, you can disable traps, summon pets, cast some Divine and some Arcane spells, and you get this cool Rune arm!

    VIP: Wow, this is pretty legit, I cant wait to make one when u11 goes live!

    Turbine: Yep, and for the low low price of $14.99 you can!

    VIP: Yep, been paying that monthly, cant wait!

    Turbine: Nope, you have to pay again -Punches you in the Face-

    This is how I feel right now.

    To think, I was racing to 20 to be able to TR into artificer when it comes out. Bummer man I don't have an abundance of TP, since they're for the 'fun' stuff. Maybe they need to rethink VIP, instead of makin VIP pay the same as everyone else, maybe VIPs could get a discounted rate for the stuff they have to pay for.
    Current TR project -- Anshel life 8 of 20 ending up FVS
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    Originally Posted by MeliCat:
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  9. #49
    Community Member Alkindus's Avatar
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    You actually have to pay for a class *gasp* It's almost like this is a company and they are trying to make money.
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  10. #50
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    As a VIP, I have no issue with this. I can wait till all the quests are complete in U12. I don't need the new shiny now. I'm happy that it will be a favor unlock and Turbine gets to make some coin of the impatient.
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  11. #51
    Community Member Ghost6989's Avatar
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    Impatient, no, expecting access to something you pay monthly for is not being impatient. It's about getting what you pay for. Otherwise what exactly does being VIP mean. VIP should mean access to all adventure packs, races and classes, this is going against everything it means to be VIP.

  12. #52
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alkindus View Post
    You actually have to pay for a class *gasp* It's almost like this is a company and they are trying to make money.
    And they are making money from me each and every month in the form of a subscription fee.

  13. #53
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    Anyone have an idea how many points they will be? With the free points you get with a subscription, maybe Turbine considers subscribers will get them 'free' eventually.

  14. #54
    Community Member Orratti's Avatar
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    and again

    Vips pay for their access. I might be premium the majority of the time from here on out and might not agree with all their thoughts on what being a vip should include but in this case if they can't access the new class or work on the favor to unlock it the day it is introduced then don't introduce it until they can. It is underhanded to attempt to subvert them into buying it because that is the only option for getting it.

    You are taking their money monthly on the supposition that being vip grants all access. If they cannot access something then you aren't properly advertising the payment plan. That they cannot immediately access something because it is an unlock through favor that is a minor stretch but if it is a favor unlock and you don't allow them access to the favor on introduction then they have no access and you are in breach of the spirit of your contract for their money. Whether it is legal or not I can't say but I'm quite positive it is underhanded.

  15. #55
    Community Member Full_Bleed's Avatar
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    The ONLY problem I have with Turbine doing this is that they have *created* this entire flap.

    I believe that they should be free to add Favor Rewards to the game. That's not a bad thing and I respect that Favor Rewards have always been a part of DDO.

    However, what they should have done was set expectations BEFORE people made false assumptions. When Turbine released the class to the public they should have made it clear on day-one what their plans were, saying something like: "The Artificer will be a Favor Reward class. However, the favor for it will not be available until U12. Fortunately, as with all favor awards, it will be purchasable with Turbine Points for those that want early access."

    Yes, many VIPS would still have been mad but you wouldn't have had weeks and weeks of people thinking the class would be free.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Full_Bleed View Post
    The ONLY problem I have with Turbine doing this is that they have *created* this entire flap.

    I believe that they should be free to add Favor Rewards to the game. That's not a bad thing and I respect that Favor Rewards have always been a part of DDO.

    However, what they should have done was set expectations BEFORE people made false assumptions. When Turbine released the class to the public they should have made it clear on day-one what their plans were, saying something like: "The Artificer will be a Favor Reward class. However, the favor for it will not be available until U12. Fortunately, as with all favor awards, it will be purchasable with Turbine Points for those that want early access."

    Yes, many VIPS would still have been mad but you wouldn't have had weeks and weeks of people thinking the class would be free.
    Correct. If they announced this ahead of time, most VIPs wouldn't be upset about this. However, announcing this now is a backhanded slap to VIPs after being slapped just a few days ago by giving an unique perk for VIPs to non-VIPs.

    Also, if the favor to unlock the class was achievable on the day of its release, there would be no real reason for VIPs to grumble at all about Artificers.

  17. #57
    Community Member Orratti's Avatar
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    I would have been at the very least annoyed as a vip if the class wasn't available right away or the favor not possibly to be earned no matter when they decided to tell me. The longer it would take for u12 to come out the more annoyed I would become. Either way if the favor unlock is not able to be gotten at all until months after the introduction it is underhanded and an obvious ploy to have it be bought. I don't think any explanation or apology could make up for that and if you don't have the favor you planned on using to open the class up available on it's release I think you should consider using the favor that you do have available.

  18. #58
    Community Member Starchild09's Avatar
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    Default someone who DROPPED their VIP status due to the massive amount of core material not in the game, let me say this:

    The game is how many years old now and we STILL don't have DRUIDS...a CORE class???????

    Sure, Turbine has given us a SIMULATION of Favored Souls, Sorcerers and Wizards that STILL have NO familiars, Clerics and Paladins that STILL have no DOMAIN spells and Drow that have NONE of their Spell-like are we really durprised when the VIPs get bent over a barrell with no lubrication used on the Artificers? REALLY????

    We either accept and support the game as (flawed as it) is, or we find another one to play till we hear news of a "fix" and come back to see if it's a TRUE fix.

    But I also want to say this to TURBINE:

    If Neverwinter Nights can create PERFECT versions of the CORE and supplemental classes for their game and have it run SMOOTH...maybe you need to hire some of their developers to fix your f-ups! Just saying! There is NO legitimate reason that Druids should NOT be in the game now...same goes for the above listed shortcomings! This SHOULD be your wake-up call to step it up and get your sh*t together...because not ALL gamers are as patient or semi-understanding as I have been...and when Neverwinter Online hits later this year, if you guys haven't ironed out the bugs, you might not ever see us come back!

  19. #59
    Community Member fandutian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starchild09 View Post someone who DROPPED their VIP status due to the massive amount of core material not in the game, let me say this:

    The game is how many years old now and we STILL don't have DRUIDS...a CORE class???????

    Sure, Turbine has given us a SIMULATION of Favored Souls, Sorcerers and Wizards that STILL have NO familiars, Clerics and Paladins that STILL have no DOMAIN spells and Drow that have NONE of their Spell-like are we really durprised when the VIPs get bent over a barrell with no lubrication used on the Artificers? REALLY????

    We either accept and support the game as (flawed as it) is, or we find another one to play till we hear news of a "fix" and come back to see if it's a TRUE fix.

    But I also want to say this to TURBINE:

    If Neverwinter Nights can create PERFECT versions of the CORE and supplemental classes for their game and have it run SMOOTH...maybe you need to hire some of their developers to fix your f-ups! Just saying! There is NO legitimate reason that Druids should NOT be in the game now...same goes for the above listed shortcomings! This SHOULD be your wake-up call to step it up and get your sh*t together...because not ALL gamers are as patient or semi-understanding as I have been...and when Neverwinter Online hits later this year, if you guys haven't ironed out the bugs, you might not ever see us come back!
    totally agree.. can't wait to see nwn online release.. i felt hopeless for druid.. now even more hopeless for artficer..

  20. #60
    The Hatchery BruceTheHoon's Avatar
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    I'm more surprised, that there's even an option of getting the class for free*.
    VIPs currently get 1000 TP per month, so judging by the prices of favored soul and monk classes, they'd have to save theit TP for a whole month to buy artificer class. Dear god.

    *included into the price of 2 adventure packs.

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