Bard Healing > Artificer Healing
If built properly Bard Healers are much like a pocket version of a Cleric, with healing enhancement line, metas (quiken included), reliable blue bar if discount gear on and nice healing power with xacosian clikies: anything in game can be healed with Spellsinger Bard a the moment.
Artificer are better at scroll healing and anything that involves items: not everything ingame can be healed with scrolls only, you need strong mana support with strong aoe healing for some raids. Don't forget scrolls cooldowns can be messy.
Last edited by Zerkul; 08-29-2011 at 03:28 AM.
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not a big fan of the heal bomb...
many reasons but I don't wanna worry if the thing will land close enuff...will it get blocked by some glitch
in the map ect...
If you need a heal, you need it now...not maybe now
So healing options........
If your WF....your fine
Halflings can use healing dragonmark
there are potions of healing
healing wands...depending on your UMD
also, later on you can take a feat that makes you partial construct so you can use repair
Heal bots <various hirelings>
heal scrolls...don't bother
....... me personally ? My Artificer is a halfelf...with ranger dil feat so heal wands are a no brainer in my case.
I actually love the heal bomb.
It's not as efficient as other classes but you can use it 3 ways and they're all useful to some degree.
1) As a cheap aoe potion use that's affected by ardor/devotion. 6sp's is a really nice cost for an aoe heal. It may not be much but given the level and echoes of power that's fairly effective.
2) As a powerful (though sp-expensive) large aoe heal. That's something cleric doesn't really get until level 6 (using radiant servant bursts) while arty's have it at 1. Granted you shouldn't really need it but it's nice if it's there.
3) Killing undead. This is where I loved it. I could let the undead swarm me, toss a max/emp'd admixture, and boom, no more undead. It's like a fireball on them only you get it earlier.
I'll grant it's not as much punch as some other class's healing...but it's still pretty nice.
It's going to be interesting come U11.
I think a lot of Artificers are going to be too busy pew-pew-pew'ing and using their rune arm in a ranged dps manner to even *want* to consider becoming a dedicated healer.
Also keep in mind that at low levels, not everyone will be keen on crafting the heal bombs. Waste of time to sit around and craft an AoE cure light wounds at level 3, for example, when most melee will survive just fine chugging cure light or cure serious pots, which would free you up to pew-pew and end up killing the mobs faster. So it won't be until late in the game where they may consider tinkering what that method, and as mentioned previously, the most efficient bombs will probably be remove disease AoEs (for ToD, VoD, etc.).
The UMD option is definitely a viable one, though. With the aforementioned example of 55 UMD, you could no-fail Heal Mass scrolls which is certainly a nice option.
The difference is the melee can chug the cure potion or can stock pile a few on the arti and the arti can make that same cure pot affect several characters for a low SP cost. That saves money on healing pots for the group.
I expect most of them to want to pew pew too but if we can have 1 pot hit 6 ppl instead of using 6 pots for 6 ppl that is handy.
It does seem slower than casting area heal spells but it does work and at low levels it's pretty handy. I wouldn't worry so much about quicken and look at it more as a way to maximize the efficiency of those potions at low level.
I thought it worked nicely but I did have an issue with the aim once in a while. Posted by Turbine