I have heard one poster mention that Artificer healing could be equivalent to Bard healing. Was hoping to get more than one opinion to go off of though; hence its own thread to not derail that one.
Let me know your thoughts.
I have heard one poster mention that Artificer healing could be equivalent to Bard healing. Was hoping to get more than one opinion to go off of though; hence its own thread to not derail that one.
Let me know your thoughts.
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
At low levels Artificers will actually be the best healers in the game. Mass Cures at level one, with the Repair line of spells as well, will make them superior lowbie healers.
This will also make them better healers than Bards, IMO, but the fact that their best buffs are single target and non-extendable means that they'll have less mana to heal with overall, so once you reach the mid levels they'll be about equal IMO.
This is assuming that they are spec'd and slotted to act as healers, which many will not be.
Oh of course. My assumptions are quicken, maximize, empower healing, appropriate gear, and a raid setting. Anything else is educational but not primary to my own uses (but still might be valuable to others for the thread).
Was pretty sure they didn't have an enhancement line for healing and I wasn't sure if meta's even affected the potion-toss for sure; so definitely an open-ended question lol.
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
As a artificer i would stick with serious, good heal crit item and simply lend a hand. I would never waste resources to power up with max emp healing or empower. Not even max healing will be able to beat whatever a good healer can do.
But I could see using the curse one situationally such as ToD.
They do not have an enhancement line for healing.
And I didn't check to see if the Metas worked on the potion toss as I almost exclusively solo'd on a WF Arty, so we'll have to wait for someone else to weigh in on that one. But I'll stand by my statement that an Arty will be the best lowbie healer in the game, with diminishing returns as you level up.
Art non Blue bar heals will be best with the enhancement T4 Heal scrolls will drop for 255HP
will be able to wand single target CCW's at 4d6+28+ upto 70%(54-89) via T4
their repair healing is great.. but positive healing.. it is sorta a potion throw.. i hear that you could maximize, empower it to get around 90 per heal.. but instead of using spell component it take a healing potion to cast this spell.. and maximize/empower cost huge amount of sp.. more likely you be out of sp within 10 heal..
if you don't plan to empower+maximize it then you better off drinking the potion directly.. as it give the same/better healing amount and do not cost you any sp.
p.s. also i tried heal scroll. but really it is just not enough.. healing scroll don't heal much even with 100% heal.. maybe when you are 20 it might be wrothwhile.. but when am 20 i would consider tr instead.. plus you do need to switch to scroll to scroll heal.. and to do it faster you need quick draw..sorta lame to me
Someone's not using ardor clickies. I'm getting about an average of 150, low end 100+, crit 200+. That's with about 20% half-elf healing amp though. (I suspect someone might have also had the "only heal me 75%, cleric" feat.)
It also has tremendous, hilarious range. Possibly greater than draw distance. I was hitting people about a quarter of the way across the marketplace with little potion bottles. I'm pretty sure heal scrolls don't do that. (It will also, however, arc and impact on geometry.)
I wouldn't want to like, heal a raid, or even a 6-man party with it at higher levels. But if someone says it's not useful they're not thinking hard enough, in my opinion.
hmm empower = 15 sp, maximize = 25 sp, quicken = 10 sp. so it is 50+base sp to cost this.. with your healing amp enhancment it only heal 150..
while reconstruct heal 150 without maximize nor empower as long as you are wf.. with maximize, clickie, empower you will heal 150 *[1(base)+0.5(empower)+1(maximize)+0.75(clickie) + 0.5(enhancement)] = 150 * 3.75 = 562.. and when it cri hit it will heal over 1k..( with enhancement and repair lore item)
hmm about the same sp 562 heal vs 150 heal... which one do you perfer? not to mention that you need to target for the potion throw healing.. and you need to carry huge stack of potion in your bag... totally not worth it to me...
p.s. really if you are a wf you don't need any enhancement to heal over 200 each cast without empower/maximize..which is why i believe they should rebalance this feat.. some people may accept this or just go wf.. but i won't... will never buy artficier unless they balance this feat..
Last edited by fandutian; 08-28-2011 at 10:16 PM.
When you're soloing, warforged, and not surrounded by undead, yes, reconstruct is a much better deal. I don't think that's in question. When soloing and a fleshie, the construct essence feat and reconstruct are still probably better.
Yeah, that's maximize and empower and ardor and whatever else I could throw at it. I was responding to a post that claimed only 90 with those metamagics on. The mana cost is pretty steep. (I should've tested it without healing amp enhancements, but that woulda taken more than 30 seconds.)Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off
Cast time's about 1 second, cooldown is about 6 seconds.Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off
Cost is 4/8/12.
So, if we can cycle 2 scrolls (mass cure serious/moderate) and those 3 spells every 6 seconds we are looking at:
150 for the spells and:
Moderate: (7+4+16)*(1+0.75)=47
Serious: (10.5+6+18)*(1+0.75)=60
So, 257 hp for 24 SP every 6 seconds seems doable? Perhaps at least enough to be 1 of 2 healers in part 4/5 of Shroud and then swap to maximise/empower when the blades come in for instance (using separate icons with the metamagics turned on which pushes it up to 487 every 6 seconds I think).
I don't see any reason that an Artificer couldn't do 3 or 4 rounds in part 4 if fully geared (bauble, regular spell storing ring, archivists clicky as these are boosted by capstone still I think?)
Artificers don't get healing enhancements so I can only assume that both wand and scroll mastery and perhaps artificer capstone are affecting the healing? Are these figures when maximise and empower are active?
So, without capstone a 20th level Artificer with superior ardor and maximum wand/scroll enhancements will get:
Serious: 3d8+5+5=23.5*(1+0.75+0.75)=58
Perhaps you have maximise/empower active:
Serious: 3d8+5+5=23.5*(1+0.75+0.75)*(1+0.5+1)=147
With metamagics and capstone ...
Serious: 3d8+5+25=43.5*(1+0.75+0.75)*(1+0.5+1)=272 (so probably not this one)
Unfortunately I don't think the capstone is affecting it and I don't think that it would be possible for an Artificer to maintain healing with maximise and empower active (not efficient enough).
However including crits with superior healing lore (U11 caster stick):
Light: 1d8+1+5=10.5*(1+0.75+0.75)+10.5*(1+0.75+0.75)*0.12 *1.5=31
Moderate: 2d8+3+5=17*(1+0.75+0.75)+17*(1+0.75+0.75)*0.12*1.5 =50
Serious: 3d8+5+5=23.5*(1+0.75+0.75)+23.5*(1+0.75+0.75)*0.12 *1.5=69
Question is; how fast can you drop these 3, what is the total SP cost and what is the cooldown?
Construct healing = Great
Umd Healing = Great
"Pot" healing line = not good
You have to have pots for it.
You can't quicken it.
Artificers do not get to chose empower heal as a feat.
*(dont quote me, but i dont think the arti pot passives are even working, will test more later, like pot durations ect)
**Edit: No pots via buff form seems affected by the Artificer Knowledge:Potions.
This leads me to think the line is not WAI therefore the cure pot spells may not be "working to the max" so to speak
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
On the subject of the Curative Admixture healing spells they also have more of an overall delay than most spells. The spell's effect actually occurs when the potion hits the target or hits the ground after being thrown. This makes it poor for time-critical healing situations and some zone-geometry situations as you have to cast the admixture spell to throw the potion, ensure that the arcing path between you and your target is clear, and then wait for for potion to hit.
Server - Thelanis
They can be maximized, empowered, and empower healinged... they can't be quickened... IMHO great for support heals but not the greatest thing... especially since the mats only stack to 100 instead of 1000. I does however allow an arty to pot heal the newbs who don't bring their own pots. And i forsee arties being very welcome in at level chrono runs.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
Heal scrolls maxxed out can hit a good heal amp tank in the 400-500 range.
Add in the odd curative admixture, and youd definetely have no trouble keeping up at least one tank and deals some aoe healing on the rest.
For Aoe healng with full metas, the 3 cure admixtures + cure mass mod scrolls I bet would be enough to keep up say a normal shroud at least. But youd probably not have SP for more then 2 rounds even well geared.
If it can match a bards quickened mass cures on a party probably not in tough areas, but should be close enough in easier spots.. Depends a bit on the casting speed and if they need quicken in the specific encounter.
But for lengthy single tank encounters where you don't wanna chug a lot of SP pots, they are pretty clearly better then bards mainly due to there superior scroll and wand use ability. EG: VoD - Id say they could keep up a tank no problem. Even on elite given the tank has enough HP/healing amp.
And for WF tanks theres no contest.. Full repair spells, reconstruct and strongest reconstruct scrolls possible.
My low lvl testing showed the cure light version wasnt THAT slow. And targeting wise it seemed to function well enough. Not nearly as good as quickened mass cure, but functional with good timing.
Also i think they get there CSW version at very low lvl - 6th.. While a bard doesn't get cure mass moderate until lvl16 - and never gets serious. Also pretty sure the curative admixtures are very cheap on SP cost.. So at lower lvls the artificer shoudl do quite well in comparison.
Last edited by Shade; 08-28-2011 at 02:19 AM.
I agree with fan. Getting Mass Cure spells at level one sucks, because you have to carry an extra stack of potions and target someone. What a ripoff!
So no healing enhancement line means an artificer is behind a bard by 40% on their cures right off the bat. It is interesting that it takes longer to cast a mixture spell according to Mr. Cow.
The whole three metamagics on just makes me chuckle only person I have read that actually make it sound workable had a ton of clickies to make those metas free sort of thing and tons of mana supplements (bauble, etc.) to add to the mana pool.
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.