Here's a little something that I think would do great in pvp. My opinion of course.
Its a pure fighter build that can, with the proper gear, survive against most sorcerers in the arena.
So far he is a level 13 fighter.
Str: 29 (+1 tome I found from orchard of macabre)
Dex: 15
Con: 23
Wis and Cha: 6
DR 5/Adamantine
For skills, just max out jump and put a few points into balance. you don't wanna stay tripped forever.
Feats: I don't really specify what feats to take at which levels.
Adamantine Body( Note this is a warforged fighter)
Wep Spec: slashing
Wep Focus: slashing
Greater Wep Focus: Slashing
Greater Wep Spec: Slashing
Power Attack
Toughness(For hp enhancements)
Cleave(Forgot why I even have this)
Two Handed Fighting
Improved Two Handed Fighting(I haven't taken greater THF yet)
Improved Critical:Slashing
Improved DR
And now, enhancements.
Fighter Attack Boosts 1 and 2 tiers( prereq; unused)
Kensei Greataxe Mastery 1. (I love greataxes; requires Kensei)
Fighter Critical Accuracy Tiers 1,2,3,4.
Fighter Prestige Enhancement Kensai First Tier.
Fighter Prestige Enhancement Kensai Second Tier(Power Surge is epic; +8 to str)
Fighter Greataxe Specialization Tier 1(Requires Kensei)
Racial Toughness Tiers 1,2,3
Fighter Strength Tiers 1,2
Warforged Constitution Tier 1
Warforged Construct Thinking Tier 1
Warforged Damage Reduction Tiers 1,2
Warforged Hardiness Tier 1
Warforged Healer's Friend Tier 1(If you are warforged, get this if you don't wanna get healers mad at you)
Warforged Power Attack Tier 1
Warforged Combat Training Tier 1
So those are the stats for it.
Now, for the list of gear that is used with it. Note that without the gear, its not exactly built for pvp.
Minos Legens
Striding boots 20% of swimming +3(faster run speed is epic; used until I get madstone boots)
Scorched bracers
Ogre Power +4 belt
Charged Gauntlets(makes your criticals much stronger)
Gorgon Docent(or Deathblock docent depending on quest needs or if there's a cleric who puts on deathward)
Siren's Charm(gonna replace it with jorgundals collar; not needed on account of gorgon docent.)
Mantle of worldshaper(for spell absorption; key for taking out casters.)
Voice of master( this with mantle gives DMs vision, which will help melees bypass the displacement spells of casters in pvp; otherwise using Dusk Heart.)
Jade ring(very essential for stacking bonus to saves)
Dexterous +1 ring of jumping +5(Ring slots aren't that big in DDO, so I just put this. I jump pretty high.)
Blindness Ward Goggles (useful, very useful)
Lesser might of abishai gives +1 to str which is stacking, so useful. Kensei power surge will boost str to 37 on this guy.
So there's my pvp build. of course, feel free to give your opinions. I don't exactly know if this will even work, but I've thought it out and it seems feasible. Note that this guy is level 13 only. by level 20 his hp(currently 325) will be so high that there will be no need for the Dusk Heart trinket, and I'll keep DM's Vision.
I use greataxes because their critical hits deal 120+ damage, with the 50-60 damage from charged gauntlets, make a really hard hit. This may be kind of gear based, but it'll be worth it. This fighter will take all kensei enhancements and the capstone. And if you dominate the arena, you'll definitely be great in quests. I know that an air savant may do a little more damage, or a lot, but this guy is really fun and great to play with. Casters would overpower this guy if they had as much hp as this guy. To take down casters, you need to take their hp into account. Also you should learn how to dodge ray spells from casters. That frost lance won't hurt you for 250 if you get behind the water savant. For casters with fearsome armor, just go pew pew pew to them with my +4 byeshk returning throwing axe (not a longbow, because you probably don't have the bow strength feat, making a bow a poor choice) and my Greater Devotion III shield of resistance +2. (I just picked out a random beneficial shield to go with the throwing axe)
Good Hunting