Quote Originally Posted by TheDjinnFor View Post
A triple air alchemical weapon gets slightly more DPS than a Lit 2 plus Stunning +10, and can break DR even better depending on what you slot its red augment crystal with.

Specifically, with Triple Air you get a +6 weapon with greensteel dice (e.g. 1d8 khopesh -> 1d10), plus your choice of metal type (silver, cold iron, flametouched iron, etc.), plus Shocking Burst, Electrifying Blast (AoE 15d6 electric damage on a vorpal roll), Stunning +10, Insight AC +4, Ex Dex +2, Lightning Strike, Doublestrike +6%, & a Red Augment Slot.

The combinations can be found here.

So you could, for example, have a Flametouched Iron (to break good DR) Triple Air weapon with a Red Augment Crystal of Metallic Edges plus Deadly Weapons. This does slightly more trash DPS than a Lit 2 in most cases, is metalline, breaks good DR, and has extra base damage due to deadly weapons.

If you can't maintain the metalline augment crystal, then you could just slot silver.
Yeah, that's uh... just wow.

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