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  1. #1
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    Question Is bracer of demon consort really that terrible for a barb?

    I have barb equpping bracer of demonic consort. Today i got rejected by a party leader and he's saying that bracer of demon consort is terrible for a barb. He also say i'm even better to get rid of it. I know he is a good player (he's got some reputation on my server) and i don't like to argue with people (its a game). He didn't say why but its maybe because of the hidden demonic drain effect. Usually i don't have any problem getting into eadq2/evon6/tod and other raid. I know epic claw set is the way to go but i doubt i will get that on my barb anytime soon since my main melee didn't get his set yet and i usually pug epic red fens and rarely seeing the lfm because of my playing time. I don't have anything better to equip on bracer slot so i don't to want leave them empty.

    Here are my justification for equpping it according to DDO wiki


    1. Demonic Shield
    Effect: When wearing items with this property, each time you are hit in combat there is a 20% chance that a shield of demonic energy will grant you 30 temporary hit points.
    -the main reason i'm equipping, great effect to have for melee to migitate damage since the proc rate is high.

    2. Demonic Curse
    Effect: When wearing items with this property, each time you are hit in melee combat there is a 20% chance that a demonic force will strike back at your attacker hitting them with an Inflict Moderate Wounds spell.
    -not really good but still nice to do some damage to attacker i think.

    3. Demonic Curse
    Effect: When wearing items with this property, each time you are hit in melee combat there is a 20% chance that your attacker will subjected to Bestow Curse (DC 15 Will save).
    -is a meh effect on higher level but its amusing to see casual adq1 lailat cursed while doing flagging ;D


    1. Demonic Drain

    Effect: Each time the wearer is hit in combat, there is a low (1%) chance of suffering a negative level. The Demonic Drain property is special and does not show up when reading the item description. Magic like Deathward will not prevent the negative level, but it can be removed normally with Restoration.
    -rarely proc well its a 1% anyway maybe once out of 2-3 quest on my barb for 1-2 neg level but didn't really notice the effect on my barb.

    So my question is did i miss some major drawback for equipping it and should i get rid of it completely or i'm good with it on my bracer slot?

  2. #2
    Community Member maha0201's Avatar
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    Well if you have sorted healing amp on dragontorched or tod rings, then this bracers are ok for you...

    Else try to get leviks bracers ...
    Thelanis, Playing since 2009
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  3. #3
    Community Member kanbeki's Avatar
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    I used to love these bracers, but the negs can stack up quick sometimes I've had like 6 on my barb while tanking horoth when i still wore them, i stopped wearing them when I got claw set. Something that is fully immune to energy drain IE PM possibly HOTD Pally should be great with these bracers
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  4. #4
    Community Member Cold_Stele's Avatar
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    Wear them if you've got +20% Healing Amp slotted elsewhere AND you can get rid of your own neg levels (store pots or HotD can remove but isn't immune).

    Otherwise no.

  5. #5
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    I would say he was wrong for at least 2 reasons

    1) wear what you want. denying someone for one specific item is ludicrous imo. One item doesn't make or break a toon (well unless it is epic SoS, which is beyond overpowered) I love wearing stinkpelt hide bc it is so-so/ok but looks sooo funny.

    2) the bracers are ok, like you said. Not great, but not bad. Also the epic version has 2 augment spots, not too shabby if you don't have the best in class items for that spot.

  6. #6
    Community Member blade_of_will's Avatar
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    The issue is probably he expected "Neg levels. restore pls."

    I guess its not bad for barbs, except for that its best when your getting hit a lot.. but also worst when your getting hit a lot. If it was me, I would think.. there are much better classes to use demons consort like *cough* my pale master.

  7. #7
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    I've gone into one battle in Sins of Attrition with those bracers equipped on my Cleric, and picked up 7 negative levels in a matter of 10 seconds. After that, I took them off. And I was on a Cleric who could remove my negs in an instant.

    My feeling is the benefit you get from them is not worth it, unless you're completely immune to the negs (a Pale Master). HotD and Warforged are not immune to the negative levels granted by this item.

  8. #8
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    Talking Thx for the feedback

    Thx all for the feedback. The item seem to be getting negative rep due to demonic drain tho i haven't gone through any significant situation to take notice of it. So its time to say goodbye it seem. I would go aim for levik next time (heh still have a long way to go for HOX 20th cause rarely run it)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    I've gone into one battle in Sins of Attrition with those bracers equipped on my Cleric, and picked up 7 negative levels in a matter of 10 seconds. After that, I took them off. And I was on a Cleric who could remove my negs in an instant.

    My feeling is the benefit you get from them is not worth it, unless you're completely immune to the negs (a Pale Master). HotD and Warforged are not immune to the negative levels granted by this item.
    And yeah it seem to proc more whenever i'm hit by ranged(same like torc and conc too). Did notice it while running to adq1. And orthon repeater is bad >.>

    Quote Originally Posted by grandeibra View Post
    I would say he was wrong for at least 2 reasons

    1) wear what you want. denying someone for one specific item is ludicrous imo. One item doesn't make or break a toon (well unless it is epic SoS, which is beyond overpowered) I love wearing stinkpelt hide bc it is so-so/ok but looks sooo funny.

    2) the bracers are ok, like you said. Not great, but not bad. Also the epic version has 2 augment spots, not too shabby if you don't have the best in class items for that spot.
    maybe the party leader had a bad experiance like kanbeki did i'm sure he has a reason

    Quote Originally Posted by kanbeki View Post
    I used to love these bracers, but the negs can stack up quick sometimes I've had like 6 on my barb while tanking horoth when i still wore them, i stopped wearing them when I got claw set. Something that is fully immune to energy drain IE PM possibly HOTD Pally should be great with these bracers
    Last edited by bgdreadz; 08-27-2011 at 08:14 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Spookyaction's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    I've gone into one battle in Sins of Attrition with those bracers equipped on my Cleric, and picked up 7 negative levels in a matter of 10 seconds. After that, I took them off. And I was on a Cleric who could remove my negs in an instant.

    My feeling is the benefit you get from them is not worth it, unless you're completely immune to the negs (a Pale Master). HotD and Warforged are not immune to the negative levels granted by this item.
    I dont know about HotD but warforged should not be taking neg levels, so this is a bug ? Ok so after reading the description it doesn't say energy drain it says negative level, but if its not energy drain thats causing it what is ?
    Last edited by Spookyaction; 08-27-2011 at 08:06 AM.

  10. #10
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    Hehe ye wearing those bracers in Sins gotta be a bit interesting ^^

  11. #11
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    I wear epic ones on my PM, they're an absolute beauty on a toon immune to neg level proc

    On a melee I wouldn't really bother with them, you can get demonic shield on Cavalry plate, and the curse proc isn't as useful as on a caster.
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  12. #12
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    Barbarians should be wearing the epic Claw set. There's nothing better.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

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