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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006

    Default DDO store not treating artificers as rogues

    I decided that, with the free points, it was faster to buy trap parts to test out weapon mods for the pet instead of trying to build them up from disarming. I opened the DDO store on my artificer and did a search for traps and nothing came up. I browsed down to crafting/traps and nothing came up. I did show all on that screen and the trap parts showed up with a red warning that I was not a rogue and would have no use for them.

    Artificers can make traps though and use the parts to kit their pets so someone should look through the store and flag the right stuff for them.

  2. #2
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ikuryo View Post
    I decided that, with the free points, it was faster to buy trap parts to test out weapon mods for the pet instead of trying to build them up from disarming. I opened the DDO store on my artificer and did a search for traps and nothing came up. I browsed down to crafting/traps and nothing came up. I did show all on that screen and the trap parts showed up with a red warning that I was not a rogue and would have no use for them.

    Artificers can make traps though and use the parts to kit their pets so someone should look through the store and flag the right stuff for them.
    Even if you were a rogue You'd need to be level 4 before they show up.

    That said my artificers had no issue purchasing trap parts.. they showed up all the time. My artificers were above 4 however.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    They showed up part of the time if I went into it the right way but showed up with the red warning if I tried to browse to them.

    My artificer was level 14 btw.
    Last edited by Ikuryo; 08-27-2011 at 03:39 AM.

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